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"Please tell me you said no" Kai pleaded with me as we got ready for the night ahead of us "Please tell me you were smart enough to not let your conscience get in the way." 

I just stared at him, blinking slowly. 

He groaned, rubbing the palms of his hands into his eyes "We're so screwed." 

"This is a good thing, I think." 


"Because after the ceremony itself, we come back to the library to sign the legal paperwork" I said, gripping one of the two garment bags Lady Amalia sent to me "I can see if the portrait is back is the library." 

"And what if it is?" he asked "It's not like we can touch it right then and there." 

"No, but we can sneak back in once the party's in full swing" I said, handing Kai his garment bags "And once we do, we touch the damn thing at midnight and go home." 

"You do realize the place is going to be crawling with people right?" 

"Yes," I said sarcastically "It is a wedding after all." 

"So you don't think someone might notice us sneaking into the locked library?" 

"Hopefully they'll think we're just some servants retrieving something for their Masters." 

I unzipped the garment bag and blinked down at the beautiful gowns. 

Kai whistled low and I turned to see him looking down at his own outfits and masks.

"How fancy" he said, taking out two masks, one resembling a lion's face and the other a bear's "I wonder which one they want me to wear?" 

"At least you get cool, tough ones" I murmured, taking out my own masks, one a dove and the other a mouse "I got dainty ones." 

"Wanna trade?" he teased 

I smirked at him "I don't think you'd really fit into my dress." 

He laughed and pointed to my bag "So which one are you going to choose?" 

I smirked at him "Guess, you'll just have to weight and see." 


Kai left the room before I finished getting ready, making sure everything we needed was set up. 

I went with the dove costume because there wasn't no way I'd be stuck in this stupid back and forth game as the mouse.

The moment I finished tying the mask around my bun, there was a knock at my door. 

I opened it to find Lady Amalia's Maid waiting patiently for me with a smile on her pretty face. 

"Êtes-vous prête, Madame Cartier?" she asked and I nodded because I was ready. 

Ready to get all of this over with.

"Suivez-moi s'il vous plaît" she said, turning on her heel and walking quickly down the hall. 

"Où se déroulera la cérémonie?" I asked, wondering where the actual ceremony was going to take place. 

"In the Observatory" she answered "Then we will sign the necessary documents in the Library." 

I nodded at her words, slowing down my pace as I side eyed her. 

For someone who knew even less English than her Lady, I was surprised she could string along such a perfect sentence in English. 

A knot pitted in my stomach as I continued to observe the maid at my side. 

Something just...didn't feel right with her. 

We arrived at the Observatory and she sent me a small smile, inclining her head towards the glass double doors. 

"They are inside waiting for you Madame." With those final words, she spun on her heel and took off. 

I braced myself for the surprise that laid ahead of me as I opened the double doors. 

I breathed sigh of relief when I realized that Amalia and Lord Devereux, along with Andrés and the Priest, were in fact waiting for me. 

My eyes locked onto Amalia and Lord Devereux's intertwined hands. 

"I'm sorry for being so late" I apologized, scurrying to the spot next to Andrés. 

Amalia beamed at my "You're not late at all! We were just about to start!" 

She nodded towards the priest who shot her a wicked smile that changed his whole face.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today..." 


By the end of the Wedding, tears were streaming down my face as the two, very much in love couple kissed to seal their vows. 

Andrés sniffled as he ushered me out the door. 

"Let's give them a few moments to themselves and meet them in the library later."

"Are you sure...?" I questioned, looking back at the couple as they murmured amongst themselves "I thought we needed too sign it now..." 

"I'll come find you when they're ready" he promised "Go enjoy the beginning of the celebrations. You deserve it." 

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