T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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CHAPTER 28: The Final Vision 


"The dinner was wonderful My Lord" I thanked Lord Devereux as I back up from the table and stood "But it is quite late, and I should be heading to bed since I have an early lesson tomorrow with the Mademoiselle." 

"We haven't even started our dessert yet" he said, halting me in my tracks. 

"I'm quite full." 

"Please" his eyes flicked to my unoccupied seat before meeting mine once again, silently demanding me to sit "I must insist that you keep me company for just a while longer." 

I felt my anger rise as I slowly but surely sat my behind back down on the chair. 

I was sick and tired of this dinner, wanting to head back to my room and talk to Kai about everything I've learned from tonight. 

The moment I sat down, two servants deposited an array of desserts on the table in front of us, along with a tea that smelt equally sweet as well as floral and citrusy. 

"I would try the eclairs" Lord Devereux said, using the silver tongs to pick up said eclairs as well as some strawberries and some tea "They're a specialty of Mrs. Wright." 

I wrinkled my nose, a movement that Lord Devereux observed right away. 

"Mrs. Wright is an acquired taste" he said, sipping on his tea "You know, she used to be a nanny." 

"A nanny?" I asked in surprise "Are we talking about the same Mrs.Wright?" 

He let out a boisterous laugh, the first real one I've witnessed since we've been here. 

"She takes some time to get used too" He said, running his index finger along the rim of his teacup "She was my nanny until I was eight years old and sometimes I think she loathes my presence." 

"She was your nanny?" I cocked my head to the side "And why only until you were eight?" 

"Curious aren't you?" He let out a strained smile "My parents let her go when they started to realize I was getting too attached." 

"Oh," I didn't know what to say to that "That must have been awful for you." 

"I was used to it" He shrugged, keeping his gaze locked on his teacup "My parents did that all the time. They liked to rotate staff weekly, never willing to keep a person in the same position for long."

"And you don't share the same sentiment" I concluded "Since you rehired as soon as you could." 

"She needed work" He nodded "And I needed a familiar face to run the Estate when my parents passed" 

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