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"Stop fidgeting" Kai murmured at me as he clamped one of his meaty hands on my gown clad thigh "You're shaking like a chihuahua on expresso shots." 

"I'm nervous" I muttered back to him "You know, a normal emotions humans feel whenever they're tense about something. Didn't the alien leaders from your planet teach you that before they dropped your ass on Earth?" 

He sent a haughty smirk my way "So, what you're saying is, I'm the type that's out of this world." 

I choked at cockiness of his words and the grin he was sporting widened further at my lack of words.

Before I could comeback with a witty retort, the soft taps of heels sounded from outside the dayroom we were currently residing in. 

The door was opened and both Kai and I gasped in surprise. 

Well...I gasped in surprise. 

Kai's breath stuttered in his chest and when I glanced up at him, he looked completely star-struck. 

"Holy shit" he murmured as she smiled a rather radiant smile "She's prettier than the portrait made her out to be." 

"Slow your roll Casanova" I murmured back to him "Let's remember that she's getting married. And too old for you." 

Before he could comment on my words, she stopped in front of us and dipped her head at us in a small bow. 

"Je suis très heureux de vous rencontrer. Je suis Amalia Arseanu, bientôt Devereux" she smiled at us "I hope...I hope I am not causing you too much trouble with these lessons." 

Although her words were heavily accented with a beautiful French accent, they were almost perfectly worded. 

It made me wonder if she really needed help with her English, to me, it seemed like she just needed more confidence about the way she was pronouncing certain words. 

"It is no trouble at all" I said "And, if you don't mind me saying, your English is much more proficient than what everyone was leading us to believe." 

She beamed up at me, her beautiful eyes lighting up in a way that accentuated her delicate features. 

"Thank you" she sent us another dazzling smile "I have been practicing with Effe all week, right from the moment we stepped off the boat." 

She gestured to a blonde haired woman who I was assuming was her maid from back home, based on the plain uniform she was wearing. 

Amalia's eyes drifted from me to Kai in a quick once-over before steading her gaze back with mine. 

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