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Chapter Nine: The Woman in the Mirror 


I let out a loud enough gasp that both Kai and Andrés, as well as a few nearby staff members, turned to stare at me. 

"Is everything alright Madame?" Andrés asked, worry in his tone. 

"Emilia?" Kai moved closer to me, murmuring in my ear "What's wrong Emmie?" 

I touched my face and leaned forward closer to the mirror and inspected my appearance "Holy Dios." 

"What is it?" 


"What?" Kai said in confusion.

"Look in the mirror Kai" I demanded "Look in the mirror and tell me who you see." 

He glanced from me to the mirror hesitantly, like he didn't quite know what to think of my outlandish behavior and weird demand. 

When I heard his sharp intake of breath, I knew that what he saw was the same thing I was currently seeing in the mirror now. 

Two different faces stared back at us. 

We no longer looked like our normal selves...

The woman staring back at me was the total opposite of my own looks, even down to the air she carried about her. 

She was the light to my darkness in looks, with a lithe and slender figure, pouty lips, long blonde hair perfectly coiffed into a neat updo, and the most mesmerizing goldish green eyes that  enhanced her angelic features. 

She was stunning and looked like a runway model that just stepped off of a Nineteenth century themed fashion show. 

Kai's vessel looks, in comparison, were vastly different from his own. 

Kai's own reflection sported long blonde hair that barely kissed the top of his shoulders, the ends curling in a way that oddly didn't make his strong features appear feminine. The man was a tad shorter then Kai's six foot two frame and had brown eyes instead of electric blue ones. 

When Kai moved his head from side to side, most likely testing to see if that was really him, I noticed a small bump on the bridge of his nose that made it deviate slightly to the right.

The couple staring back at us couldn't have been more than twenty five, at least, and didn't look like who I was expecting to be language teachers. 

"Holy shit" he breathed, pinching his cheeks to see if his reflection was real "I look like Tom Cruise from that vampire movie he was in." 

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