T W E N T Y - F O U R

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As soon as Emilia exited our room, I let my head fall against the closed door and gripped the door handle tightly in my hand. 

'Please' I prayed to whoever would listen 'Please keep her safe when I'm not there.' 

I took a few deep and cleansing breaths before pulling away and pacing the small space of the room. 

I know Emilia wanted me to head to the library as soon as she left but I needed to clear my head before going on this little mission of mine, one that could either get me in trouble or killed.

Because while what Emilia was doing important, gathering more information about our hosts, she wasn't the one that had to sneak into a locked library of a man that made the hairs of my neck rise and gave me the creeps. 

There was something about him that I just couldn't put my finger on and I knew that he was hiding something more than he was letting on. 

When a good fifteen minutes passed, I decided to head to the library, but not before I grabbed the butter knife from this morning's breakfast tray. 

Without stabbing myself, I tucked the sharp knife in my boot and scanned the room to see if I needed anything else for this miss. 

When I realized I had everything I needed I exited the room as stealthily as I could and travelled down the hall.

The only good thing that came from this Dinner with Emilia and Count Douche-o-lot was the fact that most of the kitchen staff were fussing around and making sure everything was perfect. 

Instead of taking the usual way to the library, the one the tour guide showed us, I used the second route on the opposite side off the ballroom, the one that Emilia and I found in what seemed like a lifetime ago.

Was it risky at the moment with the dinner going on just a few feet away from me? 


And was my curiosity piqued to see what was going on in there? 


But could you blame me? 

I was obviously a glutton for punishment for wanting to see what Emilia and Count Douche were up too. 

Because while Emilia assured me that Lord Devereux couldn't possibly fancy her, considering he was already engaged to Lady Amalia, something deep down in my gut told me that he found Emilia at least a tad bit interesting and wanted to learn more about her. 

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