T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Chapter 25: The Ones that Came Before Us. 

Part I 



"We're sorry to interrupt you regular scheduled programming folks" A news anchor announced, "But we just received news from one of our sister stations out of Louisiana about an urgent missing persons case" 

"Here to tell us more about this urgent case is NOLA XYZ News correspondent Imani Reyes" the news anchor said, looking directly into the camera with a grimace on her face "Imani, can you tell us more about this Missing persons case?" 

"That's right Mika" Imani the news anchor responded "And from what we have learned over on our end was that this is a case of two Missing Persons. Two teenagers from California visiting on a school trip." 

"Two missing teenagers?" Mika, the main news anchor, reared her head back in shock "How are they missing? And on a school trip no less?" 

"Was foul play suspected?" the second news anchor announced "Did they run away?" 

Imani shook her head. 

"No Ron, from what our sources are saying, it looks like these teens just upped and vanished in the middle of the night" she said "Police were able to tell us that they did recover not only the luggage of these missing students but are also combing through video footage from where the class was staying. So far, no foul play is suspected but things might change as we continue to get updates from the Police."

She motioned to the group of first responders behind her, all huddled together in a tight knit group. 

"And have the police released the identity of these two students yet?" Ron questioned "It seems that there are more than the usual hands on deck over there Imani." 

"Yes Ron, there are a lot of first responders on the scene today, most likely due to the sensitivity of this case" she replied "It seems that the Police have decided it would be in the missing teens best interest if their names and photos were spread nationwide in order to improve the outcomes of solving this case" 

"On the top right corner of your screens, with the consent of the families, you will see the Senior photos of these two missing students" Both of the news anchors at the station took a sharp inhale as they gazed at the photos of the smiling teens dressed in their formal wear "The missing teens are Every St. James and Kian Lucas, both of whom just recently turned eighteen years old..." 

"St. James?" Mika gaped "Is she by chances related to..." 

"Senators Edward and Claudia St. James" Imani the reporter replied with sympathy "Their only child. " 

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