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Chapter Four: The Portrait


The two people in the portrait looked eerily similar to us, in many ways, but...at the same time...very different.

They couple posing in front of us were older and more refined looking.

The man had Kai's facial structure but had brown eyes instead of his electric blue ones and had long sandy blonde hair instead of Kai's usual chestnut color. He was also had a more lithe body type and an air about him, even seen in the way he was posing for his portrait, that screamed rich nobleman.

The woman...on the other hand...looked more like my sister than my actual sister did. She had dark curly hair, like mine but a more prominent heart shaped and sweet looking face than my own. Her skin was pale (unlike my tanned skin) and creamy, kind of like Snow White's, and had sea green eyes.

She looked dainty, elegant, and petite, three things I was definitely not but other than our different coloring and eyes, and the fact that I was more tomboyish rather than elegant, we looked like we could be related.

I stepped closer to the portrait and read the gold plated titled on the frame.

I gasped when I saw who the couple in front of us was.

Lord Sébastien Devereux and Lady Amelia Arseneau Devereux.

Married the Thirty-First of October, Year Eighteen Hundred and Twenty-Two.

"Holy..." I swore "They look like us."

"You see it too?"

"Of course, I see it!" I spun on him "You would have to be daft not too!" 

I pointed to the painting "And she has my name...just spelt differently."

There was a thud from behind us and we jumped, spooked out of our minds.

The thud happened again, this time a low hum accompanying it.

"Hello? I called out softly "Is anyone there-"

Kai clamped his hand around my mouth.

"Are you stupid?" He hissed in my ear "Usually the stupid girl who asks if anyone's out there gets murdered first!"

I bit his hand and he yelped, yanking it away from my mouth.

"You bit me?" he said, eyes wide before turning flirty "Kinky...I like it."

"Put your hands on me one more time and I'll kick you out the window" I threatened, my fist raised at him "Now stop being a coward and go see who's at the door."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the man."

"It's 2022 now" He retorted "The time of Equality. You can go check."

I narrowed my eyes at him "If I die in this house, I will use those supernatural properties that the guide was talking about to haunt your ass."

"That's fine with me" he shrugged "I'll just bore your ghost self so much that you'll be hunting for the light like a moth."

My lips twitched, a smile trying to break through, and warily traveled towards the source of the noise.

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