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Chapter 15: Lord Devereux 


My mind was whirling in a million different directions as I took in the familiar stranger in front of us.

He was tall, way taller than Kai, and had an imposing air about him that conveyed both his intelligence as well as his nobility status. 

His brown eyes gleamed with the flames of the candlelight as the shadows danced across his fair hair, hair that was a shade darker than what the portrait conveyed. 

He gave us equal looks of intrigue and confusion, no doubt wondering why we were currently standing in his personal library this late at night. 

"Do I need to repeat myself?" he raised a perfectly shaped brow "Maybe in French this time?" 

The comment snapped me out of my momentary stupor. 

"No," I apologized quickly, blushing when he turned those dark and inquisitive eyes on me "I apologize Monsieur, we were just trying to find the servants quarters when we accidentally stumbled in your library." 

He kept those dark eyes on mine, his head cocked slightly to the side, making me mildly uncomfortable and fidgety. 

Kai positioned his body slightly in front of me, blocking Lord Devereux's view. 

He reached back and grabbed my wrist, pulling me slightly towards him. 

"We are truly sorry for stumbling in here Monsieur, we shall leave you alone now."

Kai pulled me towards the door before for Lord Devereux even dismissed us.

Lord Devereux hummed before rounding his desk and placing the tumbler of amber liquid at the edge of said desk, next to a large leather bound book. 

"Before you leave," his dark voice stopped us in our tracks "I would like to know the really reason why you broke into my library." 

We froze. 

With a frown that marred his beautiful face, Lord Devereux braced his knuckles on the desk and  leaning forward. 

"I locked both doors of my library every night" he said, giving us a cold smile "And my servants quarters is located on the other side of my Manor, where I presume were located close to your own quarters" 

Kai bristled at his words and accusatory tone. 

I dug my nails into his back to make sure he didn't voice his hot headed opinions. 

"So, as the Master of this Manor and your Employer, I would like to know the real reason why you broke into my library and were asking about a Portrait that my fiancé and I have not yet sat for?"

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