T W E N T Y - S I X

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CHAPTER 26: The Ones that Came Before Us...


1 year Ago


I plopped on the couch, next to my sister, who was shoveling Coco-o's in her mouth as she watched the news.

When I read the banner on the news I turned to her "You're watching this again?"

"Mhmm" she grumbled, talking around her half eaten cereal "Itsz inrstersing"

"How is this interesting?" I asked her, watching as a Police spokesperson started discussing details of the case that captured our cities attention "It's horrible that they're missing."

"It's interesting for someone that plans to earn her criminal justice degree" she swallowed her cereal "I wonder what happened to them? You think they ran away? Or maybe a serial killer got them? Or..."

"Or maybe they just got lost" I said, "Maybe they decided to have a night of fun in town and ended up getting lost in that big city."

"But to not call anyone?" Inez asked, frowning "To not ask for directions or even go to the police for help reuniting with their class?"

I shrugged "We don't know how we'd act in their situation."

"Speak for yourself" she snorted "I know how'd I act in the situation. Think Liam Neeson meets Tomb Raider."

I snorted "You and I both know you'd freeze in a situation like that, sis."

She blew me a raspberry.

"Careful sister" she sang "You might be next. You do have that senior year trip next year plus, you're closer to their ages and not mine."

I shot her a glare "So not funny."

She wiggled her fingers at me "Afraid of the boogeyman sis?"

"I don't believe in tall tales Nezzi" I got up from the couch, ruffling her hair as I went "And you should go to bed. You got school tomorrow and I don't want you being kept awake with nightmares."

She swatted my hand away "Dad said I could stay up."

"You know he doesn't like you watching stuff like this."

"Yeah well, I don't like you acting like Mom" I flinched at her statement "Looks like we can't all get what we want."



Every St. James

"Leave her alone Kian" I growled at Kian, the school's bully and the one person I absolutely loathed in the entire world "We get it. You don't have to humiliate the poor girl."

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