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Chapter Seven: If I could turn Back Time


The first thing I heard was the loud chirping of the birds echoing all around me. 

It was so loud that it made me wince in pain and groan at the familiar throb of a migraine forming at the top of my head.

When my eyes finally fluttered open, I was pleasantly surprised at how sunny and bright it was, considering how much rain and thunder there was a second ago. 

I was also surprised to find myself laying in a field of Bellflowers and Lilies, the fragrant scent clinging to my skin and calming my frazzled nerves. 

"Holy crap..." I wheezed out "Where am I?" 

A figure stood in front of me, their shadow temporarily blocking the sunlight from above. 

I looked up, my eyes locking with familiar blue ones that carried worry and anxiousness in their electric depths. 

When he saw me blink up at him, the tension immediately eased from his shoulders. 

"Oh thank god" he kneeled down next to me, and moved a curl away from my face "I thought you were dead." 

"And instead of getting help, you decided to stand over and watch me like a creep?" I pushed his hand away and stood up, dusting the dirt off of my clothes, and looking up at the cloudless sky "What are we even doing outside? And when did it stop raining?" 

I felt my fingers swipe across silky material, not my usual cotton shirt and shorts, and I looked with a frown. 

"What the hell am I wearing?" 

Kai stood up from his crouch, worrying his bottom lip in a way I haven't seen him do in a very long time.

"What is it?" I asked him, noticing that his clothes were different too "Why are you looking at me like that? Why are you dressed like that?" 

"Don't freak out." 

"What?" This time, I was the one tensing up "Kai, What is it?" 

"Do you notice anything different?" he asked, motioning to our surroundings "Like anything at all?" 

I looked around at our surroundings and narrowed my eyes at him when I found nothing. 

"No" I said "Nothing is different from what I can tell. Except maybe the weather. And the clothes. And the fact that you've somehow moved me outside without my knowledge." 

"You're saying you can't name a single thing different around here?" he asked "Like nothing at all?"

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