F O U R T Y - F O U R

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I just blinked at the Mrs. Williams, our tour guide from the Manor Tour, in stunned silence. 

It was definitely her, albeit a younger version of her, but her nonetheless.

Gone was the eccentric woman covered in bejeweled headscarves and flowy, gypsy like outfits. 

In it's wake was a woman who was dressed in dark colors the matched her dark energy.

She gave me a mocking smile, throwing her intricately designed masquerade mask on the tombstone next to her.

"I would say I was surprised you figured it out," she said, looking down at Lady Amalia's dead body and nudging her slight with her shoe "But I knew from the moment I saw you, you would prove to be a worthy advisory. Something in my gut told me you were different than the rest." 

"Why?" I asked "Why us?" 

The smile she shot me next sent shivers down my spine.

"Now, you asking the right questions!" she stepped over Lady Amalia's body "Keep going."

I shot her a glare, my eyes scanning the open field "Where's Kai?"

"Ah ah ah!" she tsked "You were doing so well."

She nodded down towards Lord Devereux, whose blood I was trying to staunch from the wound on his chest "You can let go now. He's dead." 

I gaped at her "How?" 

"The how isn't important" She waved my questions off like they were little gnats "The why on the other hand..."

She looked down into Lord Devereux's face lovingly, murmuring soft words to his grey corpse.

"Then why?"

"I did it all for him."

I raised an eyebrow, looking at the dead guy before sending her a "really?" look.

"She didn't deserve him" she said "And he knew that. That's why he killed her."

She locked eyes with me, a manically grin lining her lips.

"You want to hear the story of how we met?"

I said nothing, knowing that she would share regardless.

"We met the summer the summer I turned ten and he was fourteen" she smiled at him, leaning in to give Lord Devereux's graying skin a small kiss "It was love at first sight...for both of us"

"I was immediately smitten with him because not only was he handsome but he was kind too" she sighed, running a hand through her hair "He was the only one of the Heirs that saw me for who I was. Who I really was..."

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