T H I R T Y - N I NE

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I could feel the buzz of excitement thrumming through my veins the moment my eyes popped open. 

Today was the day. 

Today was the Wedding. 

"Couldn't sleep?" Kai murmured to me. 

"I didn't get much" I admitted "I think I just passed out like two hours ago." 

"That makes two of us" he was silent for a moment "You ready for tonight?" 

"As ready as I'll ever be" I looked at him, not realizing how close that put our faces towards one another "How about you?" 

 He shrugged, turning on his side and draping and arm across my waist "I'm ready to go home with you and start our lives over." 

"You're really hung up on that, aren't you?" I teased, turning on my side and snuggling my face onto left palm "What happens if I don't want to be your friend when we go home, hmm..?" 

"I don't want you to be my friend when we get home" he said seriously, those blue eyes darkening. 

"What?" I asked, startled at his words "But I thought..." 

"I want to be so much more." he took my hand and kissed the middle of my palm, keeping his eyes locked with mine. 

The breath caught in my lungs at the look of intensity on his face. 

"You're really serious about this?" I let out a short laugh. 

"I am" He nodded kissing my palm again "I just want you to be prepared when we get home. I will woo you until your hearts content, just like those romance books of yours that you like to read." 

I laughed "How do you know I read those books?" 

"I saw you reading one of them in class" he smiled at me "I peaked over your shoulder and read some pretty raunchy lines." 

He waggled his eyebrows at me, making me laugh even more. 

"Shut up" I pushed his shoulder away from me, trying to hide my blush. 

Before he could embarrass me anymore, a knock sounded at the door. 

"I didn't think we'd have lessons today" Kai murmured, heading towards the door in just his sleep pants "It's their damn wedding after all." 

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