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Chapter Five: The Storm


"Alright everyone," Mr. Taft announced loudly "I just got a call from the bus company. They told us that due to the sudden and unexpected storm, the roads are too flooded to drive in and out of. We are unable to go to the hotel tonight."

Everybody groaned.

"Where are we going to stay then?" Someone asked.

"I've asked Mrs. Williams and her employer has graciously allowed us to stay in the Devereux Manor tonight, provided if we don't wander outside of our assigned rooms or break anything of tremendous value."

That last statement was pointed to Kai and his meat block friends who were hooting like owls. 

I rolled my eyes, a sudden shiver makings its way through my body as the lightening flashed in a much more earnest and rapid succession, the booming roar of the thunder making me hunch into myself more.

"Now everybody grab your things and follow me!" Mr. Taft said, marching up the Ballroom stairs. 

"Mr. Taft" a student asked, hauling his gym bag onto his shoulder while he caught up to our surprisingly fast teacher "Do we get to pick our own roommates?" 

At his question, Mr. Taft paused and a few of my classmates perked up. 

As subtle as they could, they began to interlock arms and pair up with each other. 

When Mr. Taft saw the co-ed pairings, he scowled and shook his head.

"Nice try" he said sarcastically, pointing at us "I might be old, but I'm not blind or stupid. I know the school's gossip about who's frolicking with whom. Now follow me while I read off your buddy and Mrs. Williams assigns you to your rooms."

Everyone muttered curses under their breath.

"At least we have our stuff" Noel said, elbowing my side "How sucky would it have been to sleep in our plane clothes?."

"I would have given you my clothes babe" Scott teased, "If you'd ask nicely."

I gagged, pretending to vomit at their suggestive flirting. 

The butler shot a particular nasty look my way.

I glared at him and shot him a nasty look back. 

Scott ruffled my hair "Don't hate. Just appreciate."

"I never hate" I swatted his hand "Noel!! Get your man to stop ruffling my hair like a dog!"

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