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Chapter Twelve: Tears of a Class Clown.


"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS" I cried out, pleading to the unknown force as it continued to throw my companion from one tombstone to the other "PLEASE STOP! TAKE ME INSTEAD!!" 

"PLEASE HELP ME!" the girl reached out to me on the floor, or specifically... the person whose body I was currently inhabiting...her scream of agony absolutely breaking my heart "IT HURTS SO MUC...." 

Her words were cut off when her neck snapped from an invisible force, her body hovering a few away from me and above from the ground. 

As soon as her neck snapped, the invisible force dropped her onto the ground with a loud thump. 

She slid down a tombstone and slumped onto the cold hard cemetery floor, her unseeing eyes locking with mine so deeply that it looked like she was looking straight into my soul. 

Like she was see the real me, not the person whose body I was currently stuck in. 

The flower crown on her head rolled off, landing at my feet, as the blood from her earlier injuries soaked her crochet top and brown tassel vest. 

The bottom of her blue bell bottom jeans were torn and covered in dirty, most likely from running in the muddy cemetery away from whatever was chasing us. 

I was dressed similarly, with a vest and bell bottoms, but no shirt. 

This fucking curse dropped me back into the seventies. 

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" I gritted out "WHO ARE..." 

My words were cut off with as gasp as the same unseen force that snapped my companion's neck started to cut off my own air supply. 

Pain erupted across my face as I realized, in horror, that something was stitching my lips together. 

I tried fighting off the force as much as I could but it seemed that the more I resisted, the tighter it's hold became. 

As my vision started to blur and get splotchy, I noticed a dark figure emerge from the shadows. 

The figure sauntered towards me in an unhurried pace.

While they were close enough that I could see an outline of their body, they were still far away enough from me to make out any distinguishing features. 

My vision was rapidly declining as my lungs started to burn from the lack of oxygen they were receiving. 

I was pretty sure I was a second away from passing out...or dying...

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