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Chapter 14: The Vanishing Painting 


"Are you sure we should be doing this?" I whisper-hissed at Emilia, before glancing behind me to make sure that the coast was still clear. 

Emilia shot me a mischievous look, her hazel eyes lighting up "I thought you loved a good adventure?"

I stared at her, my mouth slightly agape "Who are you and what have you done with Emilia "This is a Bad Idea" Evers?"

She rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips as we continued to quietly sneak down the hallway. 

It was a risk doing this now, especially since there were still a few servants milling around, but Emilia was right about trying to find our way back home sooner rather than later.

The longer that we were stuck in this time led to more chances of mishaps or problems down the road.

Problems I don't think either of us would be able to get out of on our own.

"You said Louis died in an office" she mentioned to me "And what better way to start looking for a way out than to look in the place where this shit show all began?" 

"Just because it was used for an office in our time doesn't mean it was used for an office in this time" I reminded her "This could just be a boring old office and a dead end." 

"We need to start somewhere Malakai" she stated "Maybe we'll get lucky somehow." 

I shot her an apprehensive look because knowing with our luck, we'd most likely cause more trouble than solve the current one we have. 

"I don't think so" I stated "The room was too small to be the library. Besides, it was located on the opposite side of the Manor, nowhere near where I remember the library being." 

Before I could say anything else, Emilia reached behind her and grabbed me, locking her hand tightly around my wrist. 

I froze at both her contact and after hearing a small creak from the floorboard behind us. 

"Don't bitch out now" she murmured quietly to me, a teasing tone lighting her voice "Because if you do, I'm leaving your ass behind and telling everyone you got eaten by an alligator if they ask." 

I scowled. 

"I knew that momentary truce was too good to be true" I hissed "And here I thought you were finally warming up that icy heart of yours Elsie."

"It's Elsa" she corrected, snickering at my comment "Besides, we both know that you'd do the exact same thing if given the chance."

I said nothing because I didn't want her to know that I would not, in fact, leave her behind to fend for herself if I somehow found out a way to get back home.

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