F O U R T Y - O N E

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My footsteps faltered as we entered the ballroom, my hand tightening around the crook of Kai's arm. 

The only thing I could do was pause to take in the entirety of the massive ballroom, the candlelights glittering across the neatly polished silverware, crystal glasses, and jeweled encrusted chandelier. 

The moment we entered the glittering ballroom, a heaviness my chest as a quiet anticipation filled the air. 

Women and men alike were dressed to a T, the gowns so luxurious and stunning that when they moved as couples glided across the dance floor, it almost looked like they were hovering over the freshly waxed floor. 

It honestly looked like we stepped into a period drama movie piece. 

"It's like one of those Austen movies you watch" Kai muttered, tightening his grip on me, stealing the words from my thoughts "I can't believe they got all this done so quickly." 

"I can" I said distractedly, staring as people's masks started to get more and more outrageous as new people began to trickle in "Is that a peacock?" 

Kai looked over to where a woman's wig was fluffed and dyed in a way where it looked like a peacocks body while her mask took on the details of the peacocks face and feathers.

"Huh" he hummed "It is. And that's a dog." 

I looked over to see a man laughing with a paper mache dog head, the black part of his mask blending into the chest portion of the dog to make a more cohesive look. 

I reared my head back in surprise "These people sure do take their masquerade balls...seriously." 

"It's the event of the season" Kai rolled his eyes, adjusting his own mask on his face. 

We had chosen to go rather simple on both our outfits and masks. 

Kai having chosen to go with the Lion Mask that fitted him quite well, ever the protector he was. 

It was fuller than some of the other masks the guests were wearing, going about mid face, as the blond and brown strands of twine that made it look like real fur almost touching his shoulder as he brushed the fake locks away from his face. 

The fancy suit he was wearing, made of a very rich navy blue and gold colors, reminded me of a fancier and more subdued version of something the Beast's would wear from the Beauty and the Beast movie. 

The darkness to my light.

I, on the other hand, opted for something a little more on the opposite end of the color spectrum. 

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