T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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I stared up at the ceiling, just contemplating all that has happened in the last week. 

Time travel 



Murder Mysteries...

It was too much...

It was all just too much....

"Uh...what are you doing?" Kai asked, confusion lacing his tone "Why aren't you tutoring Amalia?" 

"She cancelled." I said monotonously. 


"Some last minute wedding stuff" I said, narrowing my eyes at the little crack in the ceiling "Something about her gown needing new alterations." 

"So why are you staring up at the ceiling?" the bed dipped and his worried face came into view "Are you feeling okay?" 

"I feel great" I deadpanned "Why wouldn't I? It's not like tomorrow night is life or death situation or anything." 


 "Can you let me wallow in self pity for ten minutes?" My eyes swung to him "It may be my last time to do so." 

His eyes narrowed slightly "Don't talk like that." 

I shrugged "It's not like it isn't the truth." 

"We're going to get home" he said firmly "I'm going to get us home." 

"How Kai?" I sat up so fast he was forced to lean back or else my head would smack into his "We're royally fucked. We have ghosts haunting us, missing puzzle pieces and clues to a mystery we cannot, for the life of us, solve. Strange witches giving us cryptic as hell messages, and a missing portrait, our only ticket home, that seems to have disappeared into thin air" 

"So excuse me for being a little pessimistic at our odds of getting home alive" I ran a hand through my hair "Just when I think we get a little closer to figuring out whoever did this, life throws a curve ball our way and messes things up. We're no step closer to figuring how to get home than we were a week ago and that scares me so bad. I'm feeling both equally lost and...resigned to my fate. We're out of time Kai. Nothing we can say or do now can change our fate." 

He just stared at me "What in the ever loving Hell happened to my Emilia?" 

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