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 Welcome to the Manor


It was an hour later before we pulled up towards giant rod iron, intricately designed gates.

The iron work was beautiful and the designs were nearly flawless, all weaving around what looked like the Manor's Family Crest. 

Two lions facing each other, one with a Crescent moon high above the sky, while the other had a heart below it, with...what looked like a fleur-de-lis piercing it's center from the base. 

I frowned at the symbol, a feeling of deja vu sensation coming over me the longer I stared at the unique crest.  

"Won't go any further" the Bus driver announced, interrupting my thoughts. 

The chatter in the bus got quiet at the Bus driver's announcement, a majority of eyes darting to our teacher. 

Mr. Taft frowned and checked his map "We still have a ten-minute drive to the top of the Hill, where the Manor is located. It's also where the House manager assured me you'd be able to drop us off by the carriage house. "

The Bus driver remained firm on his position "I won't go any further."

"Why?" Mr. Taft demanded. 

The driver shrugged "Personal beliefs."

"What beliefs would make you not drive to the top of the Hill?" Mr. Taft asked, flabbergasted at the driver's response "Especially when the company that employs you assured me that you'd get us there."

"I got you here" the driver said, pointing to the gates "I've fulfilled my duty."

Mr. Taft scowled "Do you see how many teens I have here? They pitch a fit when they have to walk to the Gym for a pep rally, and the gym is five minutes away from the main building of the High school. Do you know what kind of anarchy I'll have on my hand if I make them walk up a hill? With their precious designer luggage?"

"Not my problem." The driver said before getting out of the van to unload our luggage.

He started throwing some of our bags on the dirty ground. 

Kai's ex Leah jumped up in horror, running off the bus "That's a Vintage Louis 2002 deluxe luggage set! It costs more than you or this this dirty bus!" 

I snickered underneath my breath. 

Mr. Taft grabbed his phone and ran after her.

"Miss Miles! No getting off the bus without my permission!" Taft barked after her, quickly turning to address us "Everyone up and out. Collect your luggage and start walking to the top. Meet me at the main entrance in ten minutes. No lagging and no purposeful slow walking. For every minute that you're late, your classmates will get an hour taken away from their free time." 

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