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Chapter 13: We Have to get out of Here


I gasped awake as the invisible tendrils of the entity keeping me in that god-awful nightmare released me back into the real world.

The remnants of fear lingered in my veins as my stuttering heart began to slow down into a semi-normal rate.

I took in the room around me, making sure that I was really back to the eighteen hundreds and that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

It wasn't.

I scrubbed a hand down my face, my mind trying to process everything that has happened to me in such a short amount of time.

Judging from my nightmares...if this entity had anything to do with the Curse and those people dying, then we were in more trouble than we've previously thought.

A pang of guilt hit me when I realized that this whole ordeal was my fault.

Once again, I screwed things up for the people around me.

That pang of guilt grew and turned into anxiety as a familiar panic feeling settled into my chest.

Something in my bones were telling me that I should go check up on Emilia to make sure that she was alright.

I don't know where this overwhelming urge to protect her came from but I wasn't going to question it.

Especially since we were in a foreign city and time period.

The logical part of my brain reminded me that I was only experiencing this because of the nightmare and guilt.

When we made our way back home and this whole fiasco was finally over, Emilia and I would go back to how our lives were before.

Blissfully ignoring each other and keeping to our opposite sides of the school.

My heart panged painfully at that thought but I quickly shoved those feelings away.

There was definitely no time to dissect those feelings right now.

With renewed vigor, I quickly threw on my boots and bolted out of the door.

When I got to Emilia's room, I took a deep breath before knocking gently on the door.

When there was no answer, I tried the knob to see if it was locked.

It wasn't...

With my heart racing again, I opened the door and quickly slid inside the room, making sure all the locks were secured tightly.

My heart dropped to my stomach when I found Emilia sitting on the bed, head dropped to her knees as her shoulders began to tremble.

At the sound of my entrance, her head whipped in equal parts surprise and confusion.

"Kai?" she whispered "What are you doing back so soon?"

I ignored her question and strode across the room to her bed.

"What happened Emmie?" I asked, worry encasing my tone "Why are you crying?"

"Go away" she scowled, angrily wiping away at her tears "I don't want to talk right now."

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