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O N E~ Y E A R ~ L A T E R 


I squealed as Kai tickled my sides, trying as hard as I could to get away from him even though his broad body kept me trapped underneath him on my family's couch. 

His cerulean blue eyes sparkled in joy as he leaned down to kiss my lips softly, tucking his face in the crook of my neck as his tickle assault lessened in ferocity. 

"I love you Emmie" he murmured into my neck, peppering kisses all over my neck and face. 

I ran my fingers through his soft brown curls "I love you too Kai." 

He pulled away from me a little his eyes darkening as they scanned over my face, trying to detect a lie that wasn't there. 

While he's said he loved me from the moment we escaped Devereux Manor, I was always hesitant to say it back considering the whirlwind of emotions I've experienced from our time away. 

I wanted to deal with those emotions properly, and with therapy, to make sure what I was feeling was real and not a result of a traumatic bonding experience. 

And while my heart knew deep down that we've always loved him, I had to be one hundred percent sure before making such a big commitment to him. 

Because this wasn't just some fling for us...we weren't just casually dating like so many people our age were. 

We were in this for the long haul...and no matter where we ended up, I knew that Kai would be the one constant factor in my life. 

There was a low grunt and small giggle from the entrance way of the living room.

Kai's eyes widened as he jumped off me like his ass was on fire, sitting on the far side of the couch, and putting much needed distance from me. 

He sat rigid in his seat, portraying the quintessential rule following and perfect boyfriend he definitely was not. 

My dad grunted again as he ushered my sister into the kitchen, urging her to wash her hands before dinner. 

"I'll never get used to this" he muttered to himself, plopping onto the sofa between me and my boyfriend "You two know the rules when I'm not home. Two spaces must be kept between you at all times. One seat for Jesus and the other Lucifer." 

I rolled my eyes as Inez snickered, her softball uniform still on as she shoveled some of the  lasagna Kai and I made into her mouth. 

"Kai, your lasagna is delicious." 

I narrowed my eyes at her "I helped make that too, you know." 

"I know he did most of the cooking" she grinned at me "Because you can't cook for shit." 

I threw the couch pillow at her and she just barely dodged in, scarfing down more of her food. 

"Language Inez" Dad grunted out, reaching besides Kai's stiff thighs to find the remote and unmuting the TV. 

"Put on the crime channel" Inez plopped in the arm chair on the other side of the room, throwing her feet up on the couch arm "I'm in the mood to solve some mysteries." 

"We're watching the news" Dad said grumpily "You watch too much of that crime crap as it is." 

"What do you expect from your future attorney?" Inez frowned "You don't get on Em's case for watching those stupid medical dramas." 

"Because unlike your shows, Dad actually enjoys mine" I smirked at her "Why do you think he always moseys on in here and watches them with me." 

Inez gasped "Is that true Dad?" 

Dad admitted nothing. 

Kai choked out a laugh which had my dad shooting him a dirty look. 

"And finally, before the next hour, we have some wonderful news for a community out in Louisiana" the cheery newscaster announced "And reporting from our sister station in New Orleans in Curt Nichols. Curt...we're sending it to you." 

"Good Evening Sherry" the handsome new reported greeted the perky anchor "We have wonderful news that the Mayor is announcing now. Let's tune into now to the announcement that has the whole city buzzing with excitement." 

The screen switched from Curt to an older Man standing at a podium with an eager grin on his weathered face. 

He greeted the people of his city we a warm welcome, much warmer than what I have seen from politicians in the past. 

"And now for the news you all have been waiting for" he said "As you remember, last year one of the oldest and longstanding building in all of Louisiana burn down due to an ill-wired electrical outlet" 

There were murmurs from the crowd, a majority of them remembering the same fire that Kai and I did, the fire that finally got rid of Devereux Manor and its curse for good. 

I glanced over at Kai to gauge his reaction, wondering where the mayor was going with his announcement and why there was suddenly a pit forming in the bottom of my stomach. 

"After many discussions with not only the community but the historical society as well, it is my honor to announce that we will be rebuilding on both the land and structure that has housed the Devereux estate for the last two-hundred years" he announced proudly as cheers echoed off of his mic "And in doing so, we will be repurposing as much as the original foundation as possible, intricately weaving both the past and present together in order to create a timeless lodging space for all travelers to enjoy! I am so thrilled to announce that The Devereux Manor will live again!" 

With that, he gestured to the historians behind him and they unveiled pieces that were definitely familiar to us. 

Including one very detailed and untorched Portrait of the Masters of the Manor. 

"NO!" Kai and I jumped up from our seats at the same time, screaming at the tv as a recognizable side profile came into view of the camera. 

A smirking smile. 

One that sent shivers down my spine.  

Josephina survived...

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