T H I R T Y - O N E

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October 1, 1810


I am writing you this letter to inquire about your plans for the day of your birth. If you are so inclined, and with the accompaniment of your nounou, I would very much like to spend the day with you.

With that being said, however, I would like to keep our courtship very private considering that my parents and your guardian are not very fond of each other, regardless if our families were one of the first founders of this land.

I know that you do not like to keep secrets, you have made that very clear from the moment we met in primary school, but I fear that if this particular secret got out, my family would disapprove greatly.

You have always intrigued me from the moment we met and I feel as if we do not pursue this chance at hand, we might regret it in the future.

I will be avidly waiting for your response.

All the best,


Kai let out a low whistle at the let that was neatly tucked into the small black book that he snagged from Lord Devereux's office.

"That was very" he contemplated the words "Generic and not romantic at all. It was like a serial killer wrote it."

"Maybe the letters get better?" I winced "Keep reading."

"Nuh uh" he shook his head "You turn."

I rolled my eyes and snatched the letter from his hands.

November 20, 1815

My Dearest Lune,

I absolutely adored our time together last night, no matter how fleeting it was. I adored how you made me feel, like the prettiest woman in Orleans, even though we both know that, that is not true.

I adore the look in your eyes whenever I walk into the room, or soft smiles you send my way when our guardians are not watching.

I adore everything about you and cannot imagine my life without you.

I cannot wait for us to one day have the freedom we deserve, having absolute control over our lives in a way where no one can dictate how we should live them.

I also cannot wait to enjoy that new found freedom, together, by your side forever.

I hope you feel the same.

Eternally Yours,


I finished the short letter with raised brow, wondering how this girl could express her feelings so...heartily.

"That was..." Kai mumbled, interlocking his hands behind his neck as he lounged on the bed "Very tenacious of her."

"She's passionate in her love" I agreed "That's for sure. I can't imagine saying this to anyone, let alone one of my lover's."

He peaked his eye open at my use of the word Lover.

"Had many of those, have you?" When I shot him a confused look, he clarified "Lovers, that is?"

I sent him a flat look "About as many as you did."

He smiled at me "So zero then?"

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