His Favorite Animal

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Johnny: puppy

Why: Quite literally because he is a puppy. Like it said in the book, he looks like an abandoned puppy with big, scared eyes that's been kicked one too many times. 

Dally: lion

Why: Dally likes to say he doesn't have a favorite animal, and "favorite animals are for children," but deep down, he loves lions - they symbolize dominance and bravery.

Pony: butterfly

Why: Butterflies fly free. They're not caged. They have no problems. They are beautiful. They have no imperfections. Pony wants all this. Also, butterflies remind him of his parents, the way they fly up toward the sky, almost as if his parents are flying up toward heaven.

Soda: horse

Why: Obviously because he used to have a horse called Mickey Mouse whom he loved to death. The horse was eventually bought and taken away from him, but Soda still clung to the hope that he would find a new horse.

Steve: great white shark

Why: I asked him why, and he said, "I don't know why. It just is."

Two-Bit: Mickey Mouse

Why: Yes, I know. I tried to talk Two-Bit outta this one, but he refused. I tried to tell him, "Mickey Mouse is not a specific animal-" and he said, "YES HE IS." And that was that. 

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