When You Forget His Goodnight Kiss

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You and Johnny are sleeping in the lot together tonight. It's an occasional thing, but you guys like it.

You've had a long day and you can't wait to curl up next to Johnny and fall asleep.

"Goodnight, Johnnycakes," you say sleepily and snuggle closer to him.

"Um... goodnight," he says, confused. Maybe about five minutes later, he'll speak again. "Uh... baby?"

"Yes?" you say in a tired voice.

"Uhm..." he says.

"Oh. Whoops. I forgot to say I love you. I love you, Johnny," you say and cuddle onto his chest again. He just stays silent. Again, about five minutes later, he says, "Baby... do you not love me?"

You immediately sit upright. "What makes you think that? I just said I love you!" you say.

"I know, but... you didn't kiss me like you always do..." he mumbles.

"Oh my gosh, sweetheart. Come here," you say, and give him a long kiss. "I'm so sorry, it's not because I don't love you. I was just soooo tired."

"Oh, ok. Goodnight, cutie," he whispers.


You were spending some time with Dally at Buck's place in his bedroom, but you decided to leave. You were really sleepy.

"Ok, Dal, it's getting kinda late, I think I'm gonna go," you say and yawn.

"Nooo, baby doll, stay," he whines.

"I can't. I gotta get home," you tell him. He tries to keep you in bed, but you wiggle out of his grasp.

"Alright. Get home safe, sweetheart," he tells you.

"Thank you, babe. Goodnight. I love you so, so much," you say. You blow him a kiss, and start to walk out the door.

"Hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you're going?"

You laugh. "What? I just said I'm going home."

"Aren't you forgetting something...?" he says.

"Ohhhh," you say and laugh. You hurry over and sit in his lap. You give him a long and steamy kiss. Then, you get up and say, "Ok, now I can go. Bye, Dally."

"Bye, beautiful," he says with a grin.


You only got to spend an hour with Pony before your curfew was up.

"Ok, Pone, I better get goin' now," you tell him.

"Noooo," he whines with a frown. "Please stay."

"I gotta get home, it's gonna get dark soon."

"Well, then just stay overnight. That way, when you wake up, it won't be dark anymore," he says with a grin.

"You know Darry will kill both of us if I spend the night in your bed."

"You can sleep on the floor," he says with that same mischievous humor. You give him a look that says Seriously, Pony? Get real. "Alright, fine, if you gotta go, you gotta go. But you better come back in the morning as soon as you wake up."

You smile and give him a huge hug. "I promise I will," you say into his chest. After you give him a big hug, you start to head out.

"Babyyyyy," he whines. You look back at him and he's giving you puppy dog eyes.

"What?" you ask him.

"Where's my kiss?" he says in a baby voice, arms outstretched. You laugh and run back to him, and plant a kiss on his lips. "I love you," you say and leave his room.


You're in Soda's bed, and you two are cuddling. Soda begged Darry to let you sleep over, but he said no. You two were enjoying your last precious moments together before it was time for you to leave. And sure enough, that time came.

You hear a knock on the door and then Darry says, "Alright, you two, it's time for Y/N to leave."

"Aw, come on, Dar," Soda begs.

"I'm sorry. Y/N, if you come early enough, though, you might be able to snag a piece of chocolate cake before it's all gone," he says.

As soon as you hear Darry leave, you get out of bed. "Ok, goodnight, Soda. I love you more than anything on this Earth. I'll see you super early tomorrow." You head toward the door. Soda jumps up and steps in front of the door, blocking your way. "Um, what are you doing?" you ask him.

He says nothing, just closes his eyes and puckers his lips.

"What- ohhh." You realize you forgot to kiss him goodnight. You grab the sides of his face and kiss him. He smiles and you leave.


He watches you as you fluff your pillow. As you tie your hair up. As you get into a comfortable position.

"Umm, do you want something?" you ask Darry.

"No, no, everything's great!" he says with an air to his voice.

"Oh. Baby... can you shut the light?" you ask him. "Pleaseeeee."

"Can I have a kiss first?" he asks in a pouty voice. You roll your eyes and give him tons of kisses on his cheek before pecking him on the lips.

"Thank you! Almost thought you forgot there," he says sarcastically and smiles. You smile back. He gets up to turn off the light.


As soon as you close your eyes to go to sleep, Steve says, "Y/NNNNN."

"Whatt?" you ask.

"You literally forgot to give me my goodnight kiss," he pouts.

"Oh noo, I'm sorry, baby," you say and lean in. He turns his face away so you can't kiss him. "Come onnnn, Steve."

"Nope. You forgot," he says and covers his face so you can't kiss him, but you can still see him smiling. You climb onto his lap and hold him down so you can kiss him. He struggles, but finally gives in and lets you kiss him. "You better not forget again," he jokingly warns.

"I won't," you laugh.


You and Two-Bit have been binge-watching Mickey Mouse on the couch for three hours now. You're both starting to get a little bit tired. You both decide to just sleep on the couch together. He turns off the tv and you whisper, "Goodnight, Two. Love you." He waits, and doesn't say anything. "I love you," you say again. And again, he doesn't respond. "Two-Bit," you say, and look at him. "I said I love you."

"Yeah, well, actions speak louder than words," he says with a smirk. You roll your eyes and give him a big kiss. "Don't give me that attitude, missy, you were the one who forgot."

"I didn't forget..." you begin.

"Yes, you did," he says.

"Are you actually upset?" you ask him.

"Of course not," he says, smiling, and grabs you into a huge bear hug. "I just love my goodnight kiss."

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