What Makes Him Nervous/Scared

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Johnny: rings. he is absolutely terrified of rings, because rings belong to the Soc who beat him up and cut up his face. 

Dally: when someone close to him is hurt or dying. he's terrified to see one of his friends hurt or dying because in some way, it's gonna be his fault, even if he had nothing to do with it. also, he just never wants to see anyone close to him in pain.

Pony: whenever someone raises their voice, even if it's not at him. he doesn't like fighting and he doesn't like yelling. in fact, he hates them. 

Soda: teachers. or even seeing a school. because it always makes him think of how he dropped out because he's dumb. and he feels scared that someone's going to reprimand him for it. 

Darry: when he and Pony fight. because it always reminds him of when he hit Pony. and he knows that if the fight escalates, there's a chance Pony could be put in a boy's home or something like that. 

Steve: when another guy flirts with you. because he thinks he's not all that special and he believes you would leave him in a heartbeat for another guy.

Two-Bit: his drunk self. he hates when he's drunk, because anything could happen. he's just not a good person when he's drunk, and he's scared he could hurt someone.

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