Song Lyric Text Prank on Darry

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The song is "I'd Rather Go Blind" by Etta James :)

Y/N: darry.... i have to tell you something

Darry: What's going on, honey?

Y/N: something told me it was over when i saw you and her talkin'

Darry: Me and who? I don't talk to any other girls but you.

Y/N: something deep down in my soul said "cry, girl" when i saw you and that girl walkin' around

Darry: Excuse me? I don't talk to any other girls, much less walk around with them.

Y/N: i would rather go blind than to see you walk away from me

Darry: I would never walk away from you, hon.

Y/N: so you see, i love you so much that i don't wanna watch you leave me, baby

Darry: Y/N, I love you too. I would never, ever leave you. Why are you saying this?

Y/N: most of all, i just don't wanna be free

Darry: What?

Y/N: i was just sittin' here thinkin' of your kiss and your warm embrace when the reflection in the glass revealed the tears that was on my face

Darry: Baby, why are you crying? Do you want me to kiss you and give you a hug? Will that make you feel better? I can leave work early, if you want.

Y/N: i'd rather be blind than to see you walk away from me

Darry: My sweet, I would never do that.

Darry: What's going on?

Y/N: ummm darry...

Darry: Yes?

Y/N: i'm just kidding

Darry: You were kidding about what?

Y/N: this was just a lyric prank where i take someone's song and use it to prank you

Darry: Oh, god. Y/N, why?

Y/N: i'm sorry, baby, i was just bored lolllll

Darry: Alright, well, I'll have you know I stopped working just to text you back because I thought you were actually upset.

Y/N: awwwww sweetheart, you're amazing

Darry: Thank you. Ok, hunny, I love you. Bye.

Y/N: love you too, byeee

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