This or That 2

93 2 0

Does he prefer holding hands or cuddles?

Johnny: both

Dally: holding hands in public. cuddles where NO ONE can see.

Pony: he'll say holding hands, but he's a sucker for cuddles

Soda: cuddles

Darry: holding hands

Steve: holding hands

Two-Bit: cuddles

Does he prefer long walks or long drives?

Johnny: long walks

Dally: long drives

Pony: long walks

Soda: long drives

Darry: long drives

Steve: long drives

Two-Bit: long drives

Does he prefer to go to the zoo or go skydiving?

Johnny: zoo

Dally: skydiving

Pony: zoo

Soda: zoo

Darry: zoo

Steve: skydiving

Two-Bit: skydiving

Does he prefer having pets or children?

Johnny: pets

Dally: pets

Pony: children

Soda: children

Darry: children

Steve: pets

Two-Bit: children

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