Dating Darry Would Include...

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➭ him calling you "hunny" 24/7

➭ him going shirtless almost everywhere to show off his muscles

➭ super overprotective of you because he cares about you a ton

➭ he would make you meals all the time

➭ teaching you how to play football

➭ going to the gym together

➭ late Friday night dates

➭ forehead kisses!

➭ sometimes, you both would just dress up and slow dance

➭ he would randomly ruffle your hair because he forgets you're not one of his brothers

➭ moving in with Darry, Ponyboy, and Soda

➭ you giving him massages because he's always pulling something with that roofing job

➭ after every argument, you two would hug for a long time

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