How He Wakes You Up

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Johnny: He lets you sleep for as long as possible. When it's time to wake up, he gently touches your face, outlining the shape of it with his hand. He says, "Sweetheart..." and when he notices your eyes are opening, he says, "Good morning, princess." He smiles at you and then leads you out of bed carefully.

Dally: He usually goes to the bathroom first thing in the morning, which wakes you up. When he notices you stirring, he says with a huge grin on his face, "Morning, baby doll. How'd you sleep?" Then, he jumps back in bed with you and waits until the last minute to get up and start his day.

Pony: If he wakes up before you, he ends up staring at you - not creepily, but he just can't help it. You look so beautiful and peaceful while you're sleeping. He loves to admire you. Then, he'll give you a hug, which wakes you out of your sleep. He says, "Hi, baby. You look so pretty."

Soda: The first thing he does when he wakes up is look over at you sleeping and smile. Then, he hops in the shower to get ready for his job at the DX. The running water doesn't wake you up too much. When he's finished with his shower, he puts on some jeans but leaves off a shirt. He jumps back in bed and starts cuddling you. He wraps his arms around you and traces lines down your arms. When you're really, really awake, he says, "Good morning, angel."

Darry: Darry wakes up before anyone else and immediately starts making breakfast. When he's finished, he'll go back upstairs to you and climb back into bed. He'll give you tiny kisses on your forehead and cheek, which wakes you up. Then, he'll say, "Good morning, honey. I made breakfast for you."

Steve: There aren't many times where he's up before you, but when he is, he always gives you a kiss and says, "Good morning, beautiful, I love you so much." Then, he gets up to get ready for his job.

Two-Bit: Mostly, he wakes you up by giving you a big kiss and saying "good morning," but there are some mornings where he decides otherwise. Sometimes, he likes to wake you up with an airhorn, put a dog in your bed, or throw a pillow at your face, and scream, "WAKE UP, SLEEYPHEAD!!!" which always annoys the shit out of you.

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