His Jealous Percentage

300 5 0

Johnny: 89%

The thing with Johnny is that he needs a lot of reassurance that you love him, because he was never shown what love is really like by his parents. He's often jealous, even if you're talking to one of the gang members.

Dally: 10000%

Hands off Dally's girl. She's his, and only his. It takes a lot for Dally to care about someone, so when he starts to love you, you'd better appreciate it, and not talk to any other guys whatsoever. He's not afraid to use his hands if need be.

Pony: 100000%

Because Pony is the youngest, he feels like he doesn't deserve you, and that someone like Dally or Soda should get you. He is angry when a guy even smiles at you. He's not afraid to fight someone if they make a move on you, or even try to flirt. 

Soda: 20%

He knows he's good-looking af, and he knows you would never so much as look at another guy. But when someone tries to hit on you, his blood boils. Other than that, he's okay with you talking to guys and stuff like that.

Darry: 6%

Darry's too wise to let a random guy get to him. He's not that insecure and he's quite understanding. But sometimes his emotions and pride get the best of him, and he will go up to any guy that's trying to get your attention, and calmly give you a slow and steamy kiss - just to let the guy know you're his ;)

Steve: 16%

He does not get jealous often, but when he does, you'd better watch out. His blood would be sizzling and he would be pissed. He wouldn't be afraid to confront the guy or even take a few hits at him.

Two-Bit: 42%

He will get jealous sometimes because he's kinda insecure, but he won't show it. He will just watch as another guy talks to you, and he won't say anything at all, but inside, he will be jealous as anything. If the guy gets handsy or too close for comfort, Two-Bit will make sure to take action.

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