How You Guys Cuddle

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Johnny: Sometimes, he's the little spoon, but most of the time, you are. He always has his arms around your waist and he's always pressed tightly up against you. He has his face nuzzled in your neck. Sometimes, you guys even hold hands.

Dally: He's always the big spoon. He usually has his hands wrapped around your lower waist, like your butt. He likes to run his hands up and down your stomach. He buries his face in your hair, inhaling the lovely scent.

Pony: Both of you guys curl up in the same fetal position, and then fit your bodies together. You guys piece together just like a puzzle. You each sleep on your respective pillows, and sometimes, he'll rub your back or shoulder blades.

Soda: Your bodies are literally pressed together. You two couldn't be any closer. He slings one arm across your stomach, and then the other arm he places under you, giving you warmth. Sometimes, he'll rest his hand on your face and rub your cheek gently with his thumb.

Darry: His arms are wrapped around you, like in a hug, and his face is pressed against your back. He loves massaging your leg or head.

Steve: You guys actually face each other and snuggle into one another. He caresses your nose or face with his thumb and gives you kisses on your cheek.

Two-Bit: You two lie side by side. He has his face in your neck and gives you little kisses down to your collarbone. Sometimes, he'll grab your leg and lift it so it rests on top of him.

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