His Favorite Disney Princess

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Johnny: you. of course, you. he has no other princess. in fact, you're his queen.

Dally: tiana because "she's the baddest b*tch." his words, not mine.

Pony: belle. because she reads all the time. and takes care of horses :)

Soda: aurora. the only princess fit for a gorgeous guy like soda is a gorgeous girl like aurora. plus, she won't bother him. she's too busy sleeping 🤪

Darry: cinderella. she's honestly the heart of the princesses. the one everyone knows about. it's only right that darry is her prince charming 🥰

Steve: jasmine. she's absolutely stunning and very headstrong.

Two-Bit: rapunzel. she's blonde and funny. perfect for Two-Bit.

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