When You Have A Nightmare

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So, it would be kinda hard to do this from Y/N's pov because you're literally asleep, so i'm going to be doing it from the guy's pov :)


I was awakened to Y/N tossing and turning. Her whole body was twitching and she was dripping in sweat.

She's having a nightmare, I think. Omg, what do I do?

"Baby!" I say, shaking her. "Baby, wake up, please. Y/N!"

She stirs and sits upright in bed. "What... what happened?" she asks.

"I think you were having a nightmare, sweetheart. Are you ok?" I ask her.

"I just- I can't stop them. I've been having them ever since I was a little baby. They all have no meaning, but they scare me to death," she sobs. I notice she's shaking and crying. I shift closer to her and wrap my arms around her, stroking her hair.

"Baby... shhh. It's gonna be okay. I promise. I'll make sure you won't have one ever again, ok?" I say. All she can do is nod and cry into my chest. I massage her neck and back until she falls asleep.


I was sleeping so nicely when Y/N woke me up by shoving her body into me. She was obviously asleep, but she was rolling around. She had an angry expression on her face.

"Quit it, will ya?" I yell. She won't stop moving, so I shake her awake. "Doll, would ya go to bed?"

"I... no. Please help me," she says sleepily.

"You were probably having a nightmare. It wasn't real. Please go back to bed, sweetheart, it's 2am," I whine.

"It was really bad, Dally," she says into the dark. "I was dreaming that... I got beat up by a Soc, and no one was around to help."

"Aw, come on," I say, but wrap my arms around her anyway. "No one's gonna beat you up so long as I'm around. I'll protect you with every ounce of strength in me. Don't you worry 'bout no Soc."

"Thank you, baby. I love you," she whispers. I smile against her neck in spite of myself, and fall asleep.


"Pony..." I hear someone whisper. I also feel someone tapping my shoulder. As I gain consciousness, I realize it's Y/N. I'm immediately completely awake.

I look over at her and worriedly say, "My love... what's wrong? Is everything ok?"

"Not really," she says. "I... I had a nightmare."

"Oh, sweetheart... Tell me. What was it about?" I ask.

"I... I dreamt that the cops found you and you got separated from Darry and Soda, and they... put you in a boy's home. I couldn't do nothin' about it. I wanted to run after ya, but it was like my feet were glued to the ground. The look on Darry's face just about killed me," she says. My heart breaks after every word that comes out of her mouth. The fact that she dreamt about me and it's bothering her this much.

"My precious angel..." I start. I never call her this - that's Soda's catchphrase - but I feel like I have to make it up to her in some way. She suffered throughout the night because of me. "That's never, ever gonna happen. We're safe. Ain't nothin' gonna happen. Come here." I pull her closer and inhale her scent. She always smells amazing. I cuddle her, and we both fall asleep together.


I wake up to someone shifting in my arms. I immediately know it's Y/N. She curls up into a ball and pushes herself into me. It kind of feels like she wants something, but I ignore it and try to go back to sleep. Then, I hear it... she's softly crying. I instantly look over at her face and see tears falling. She's not crying a lot, but it's enough to make me worry.

"Angel... what happened?" I ask her, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"I had a dream that you... cheated on me. Actually, it was a nightmare," she cries, and buries her head back into my chest. My heart breaks. Does she really think I'm that unloyal that she had dreams of me cheating?

"Oh, babycakes. There's no way in hell I would cheat on someone as funny, kind, and beautiful as you are. There's no other person that makes me as happy as you do. You're the only person I want. There's no one else. Please don't worry, sweetheart," I say.

I hear her sniffle. "You're the best, Soda, you know that?" she says. I smile and wrap my arms tighter around her.


I'm startled awake by the sound of Y/N's heavy breathing. Her body is twisted, and it looks like she's really upset. She must be having a nightmare. I gently wake her up.

"Honey," I whisper. She looks at me.

"I had a nightmare," she says.

"I know."

"What? How did you know?" she asks.

"You were twisting and turning. What got you so upset?"

She begins, "Someone broke into our house. They... hurt Pony and Soda. They were threatening to kill you. They pulled a knife out. And before anything could happen, thankfully, you woke me up."

"Hunny... I'm here to protect you. No one's gonna touch this house so long as one of my two feet are planted in it. You better not worry about this anymore, ok?" I say.

"I won't. Thank you so much, baby. I love you."

"Love you, too," I whisper, and give her little kisses to make her relax.


The last thing I remember is spooning Y/N and falling asleep with her when I'm jolted awake by someone talking. It's Y/N.

I listen closely to hear what she's saying. I can only hear fragments. "Please... not what I want... don't do this... leave me... can't... hurt..." I go back and forth between letting this play out and waking her up. I finally decide to wake her up.

I shake her arm. "Beautiful," I say. She looks at me, confused and very sleepily.

"Why'd you wake me up?" she asks, and yawns.

I laugh. "Actually, you woke me up. You were having a nightmare. What was it about?"

"I... can't remember," she says. I shake my head and smile, and bury my face into her neck.


I awaken to Y/N gently shaking me.

"What's goin' on, Minnie?" I ask her.

"Two... you'll never guess what nightmare I just had," she says.

"What?" I ask.

"I dreamt that... Mickey Mouse got canceled," she whines.

"Oh noooo," I pout. "You know, if that ever happens, I will personally go over to wherever Mickey Mouse resides, and I will tell him to continue that show, otherwise he'll have to deal with these fists. Ok, baby? So, you don't have to worry about that ever happening."

She smiles and says, "That's very reasurring. Thank you, baby." I smile back and hug her.

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