How He Reacts When You Ask Him To Taste A Spoon Of Salty Sauce

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so, i saw this in a tiktok where the girlfriend makes a nice sauce, but then decides to prank her boyfriend. she takes a spoon full of salt and then covers the salt with a bit of her sauce, and asks her boyfriend to taste it.

if that was confusing in any way, just watch this video to see what i mean:


"Baby, try some of this sauce I made," you tell Johnny. You hold out the spoon to his mouth and he eats it. "Is it good?"

"Um, y-yeah," he chokes. "This is really, uh... good."

"You sure?" you ask.

"D-definitely! Five stars," he says. You start to walk away, laughing to yourself, when he says, "Uh, baby?"

"Yeah?" you say.

"Could you m-maybe get me some, uh, water?" he asks, choking on the salt. You give him some and he chugs it. But he won't ever admit to you that your sauce is salty or bad.


"Hey, baby. Try some of this sauce I made," you say to Dally. He takes the spoon from you and tries some. "How is it?"

"Oh my God," he says and spits the sauce out into the garbage. "Doll, no offense, but that was disgusting. How much salt did you put in there, a pound??" he asks, wiping his mouth.

You laugh and say, "Babee, I was just kidding, it's a prank."

"Uh-huh. Ok. Is that what you're making for dinner?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm making pasta with this sauce."

"Ok, well, then, I'm not hungry," he says.

You laugh again. "Dallas, it was a joke. I intentionally put tons of salt in the spoon."

"Ohhh. Well, that wasn't funny. And that was disgusting," he says, and smiles.


"Cupcake. Wanna try some sauce I made?" you ask Pony.

"Of course, sweetheart," he says and opens his mouth to eat the sauce from the spoon. He immediately gags, but then stops because he doesn't want your feelings to be hurt.

"What, i-is everything ok?" you ask.

"Yeah, yeah. It's really good," he smiles.

"Are you sure? I don't know if I put enough salt. Do you think I should add more?" you ask.

"NO, no! I mean, no. It's good just the way it is," he sputters.

"Um, okay. Thanks, baby."

"No problem!" he says.


"Soda. Can you taste test this sauce? I made it." He tests the sauce with his tongue to find out if it's hot or not.

"Oh, yeah, that's hot," he says, then eats the entire spoonful. "Oh my- oh God."

"What- what's wrong, Soda? Is it bad?" you ask.

"No, angel! No, it's great, it's just- you know, really hot," he laughs. "Oh gosh. That's... really hot."

You smile. "Yeah, sorry. Is it good though?"

"Yeah, yeah, definitely. Um, like maybe just a tiny bit too much salt? Like, a TINY bit, don't even worry about it, I can't- I can't taste a thing! But like, maybe a tiny bit less next time," he says.

"Ok, got it! Thanks!" you say.


Darry walks into the kitchen. "Mmmm, smells good," he says. You already had prepared your salty spoon of sauce.

"Hey! You wanna try some?" you ask him.

"Definitely." He takes the spoon and shoves all of the sauce and salt into his mouth.

"Sooo, how is it?" you ask.

All he gives you is a thumbs up before he walks off to the bathroom. You hear him spitting it out. Then, he comes back. "Sorry, I just needed to, uh, do something. That was, uh- really good, um. Did you try some yet?"

"No, I didn't. Should I?" you ask.

"Yes! Try some, just let me know how it is," he says.

You try some and pretend to gag. "Oh. Oh gosh. Do you taste that- did I put too much salt?"

"Yeah. Yeah, kinda. But it's okay, honey! Don't you worry about it," he says, and kisses you on the cheek.


"Hey, Steve, could you try the sauce to see how it's coming?" you ask him.

"Oooh, of course, beautiful," he says and eats the sauce. He widens his eyes and attempts to smile at you. "Really good," he says with his mouth full.

"Thanks, baby. Um, you might want to swallow that, isn't it burning your mouth?"

"Uh. Yeah, it is," he says, still not swallowing the sauce.

"Why aren't you swallowing it? Is it bad?" you ask him.

"NO! No, it's just- so good, I don't want to swallow it," he says.

"Oh. Well, okay. Thanks, baby!" you say, and walk away. As soon as you're out of sight, he spits everything into a napkin and makes a disgusted face. He then holds his mouth under water for a full five minutes, trying to get the salty taste out of his mouth.


You knew Two-Bit was a sucker for food, so you prepared a huge spoonful of this salty sauce. "Hi, Mickey. You wanna try some?" you ask, holding the spoon out to him.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" he squeals and eats the sauce. "Ugh," he says and makes a bleh face, but swallows it. "Sorry, uhm. What was the recipe you were going for?"

"What?" you laugh. "It's just pasta sauce."

"Oh. Ok. When you were pouring the salt, did a whole clump fall out by accident?" he asks casually.

"No, no, it didn't."


"Why, is it too salty?" you ask him.

"It's not like I could do any better, ok? Don't worry about it."

"Hahaha, Two-Bit, this whole thing was a prank. I literally put salt in your spoon," you laugh.

"Oh my God," Two-Bit smiles. "See, I knew you were a better cook than that."

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