How Jealous People Are Of You Two

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This is on a scale of 1-10, 1 being not jealous at all and 10 being THE MOST JEALOUS.

Johnny: 6 - you guys are very cute together and never fight, but Johnny is not into PDA

Dally: 10 - you guys are both VERY attractive people. you're both confident baddies. you get the attention of every single person whenever you two walk into a room

Pony: 7 - you guys are literally so adorable together. it's obvious how much you two are in love. it's just the fact that pony is so young that people don't take your relationship seriously :( 

Soda: 10 - you guys are both THE HOTTEST PEOPLE. you guys are a couple where people stop and stare and say, "that's such a good-looking couple." also, you both get along so well

Darry: 9 - you guys look very mature and happy in the relationship. however, darry doesn't like displaying much affection in public. only in private ;)

Steve: 7 - you both are very attractive, but he doesn't spend a whole bunch of time with you, because he's always working

Two-Bit: 8 - you guys have sooooo much fun together. you rarely fight and are genuinely happy. although, sometimes, you guys argue (JUST A TINY BIT) about very little things

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