Pony's Journal Entry About You

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Dear Diary,

I know this is supposed to be my history notebook and all, and I know I'm supposed to be learning history, but I need to write this down. I can just rip out the page later.

There's this girl. She sits across from me in history class. She has shiny hair that frames her face perfectly. She has long eyelashes. She has really nice hands. Is that weird? I don't know. She just has really slender and elegant fingers.

I've never talked to her before, but I really want to.

I want to find out what she's like. Her favorite color. Her favorite animal. Her ideal date, so I can replicate it.

I think I... like her? I don't know. This stuff is confusing. God, Darry would literally kill me if he found out. And Soda would make fun of me until the sun doesn't shine anymore.

I don't know. I've just never felt this strongly about a girl before. Which must mean something. It's either I'm growing up, or... she's the one.

No. What am I thinking? "The one"? In history class?? I'm so foolish.

But then again, what if she is the one? I really don't know.

Ok, well, I just decided I'm going to talk to her after class. If it goes well, I might even invite her over.

For now, I have to go. My teacher is just about to go over World War II, and Darry would not be happy if he found out I was gushing over a girl instead of paying attention.



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