The Actors' Ages in the Movie + Real Life

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In The Movie 

Johnny: 16

Dally: 17

Pony: 14

Soda: 16 (about to be 17)

Darry: 20

Steve: 20

Two-Bit: 18

In Real Life

Johnny: 22

this is insane!! ralph does not age. omg i loveeee him

Dally: 19

not too far off. and he looked his age

Pony: 17

wow he actually looked much younger. he really did look 14

Soda: 19

he definitely looked his age, but then again, i can also kinda see him being 16

Darry: 30

jesus, that was a pretty big age gap. however, he did NOT look 30. he definitely looked 20.

Steve: 21

not far off at all. he looked a bit younger than 21, though

Two-Bit: 21

he actually looked a lot younger than 21 in the movie, he definitely looked 18

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