themomfriend: 👆🙁💻👩🦱🦇🐺🥲👟👧🏐😔🍒🐣🐽👩👦🥥🐻🌆🌂👏🧐🤞🚓🏙🏞🖱👩👧👧🐒🚒✌️😔👨👦👦🕵️♀️🐌🥬🕹🙈🪀👮♂️🧤😚🤲🏉🏞👮♀️🪱🥼🖥👈🥽
themomfriend: Guys, what are all these faces and things for?
igetallthegirls: hahahahahaha
newyorkcitykid: lol they're called emojis
themomfriend: Emo what?
staygoldhorseboy: LMFAO
themomfriend: What does "lmfao" mean?
staygoldhorseboy: uh
mickeymouselover: so you see
staygoldhorse: it means... laughing
canyouhandletherandle: my
igetallthegirls: fragrant
mickeymouselover: apple
newyorkcitykid: off
themomfriend: Laughing my fragrant apple off? What in the world?
burningchurchjohnny: kids these days
themomfriend: Can you guys tell me some other abbreviations you have, so I can stay updated?
staygoldhorseboy: well, there's af, lmao, wth, wtf, omfg, fml, gtfo, stfu-
igetallthegirls: PONY NO WTF
themomfriend: What does "wtf" mean?
igetallthegirls: uh
mickeymouselover: why the face
themomfriend: Oh, ok. This is all so confusing. Why don't you guys just use regular words?
staygoldhorseboy: darry, this is why no one added you to our other groupchats
themomfriend: You guys have groupchats without me?
igetallthegirls: PONY
mickeymouselover: darry, no
burningchurchjohnny: you guys...
canyouhandletherandle: um ok so i gotta go
newyorkcitykid: same
themomfriend: Alright, bye, kids. You stay out of trouble, ya hear?
canyouhandletherandle: mhm
newyorkcitykid: yea
The Outsiders | Preferences
De Todothis is basically the preferences of everyone in the gang :) ugh i love them sooo much taking requests! ~stay gold~ p.s. there are some parts in here that are Mature, but i have clearly labeled which are Clean and which are Dirty!