Johnny's Journal Entry About You

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Dear Diary,

I met a girl today. Her name was Y/N. And she was like no other girl I've ever met in my entire life.

She's got this gorgeous wavy hair and big, beautiful eyes and, oh... her smile. It seems like the world shines a little brighter when she smiles.

The best thing about her was that I felt like I could really be myself around her. I felt so comfortable doing whatever I wanted, and I knew she wouldn't judge me for any of it. I've never felt that way in my entire life. Y/N is a gift sent from heaven.

She hung out with me and the gang today, and it was so much fun. I was pretty shy at first, but she talked to me for some time and it was just pure bliss.

I literally can't stop thinking about her. I need to see this girl again. I hope we can hang out again soon...


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