♥ Prologue ♥

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The full moon hung high in the sky and glowed down on the many streets of Cairo, Egypt. The moon's glow was dulled by the heavy fog that slowly rose from the cobblestone streets, giving an eerie feeling across the city, almost like a scene from an old horror movie from the 1950s.

   Through the fog, ancient buildings stood tall along Muizz Street. In the daytime, this street was always bustling with life from tourists and the locals. However, on this dark and gloomy night, only a faint breeze whispered through the streets and swirled through the fog.

   Within the shadows of a building at the end of the street, stood a muscular man. His constant glances down the street suggested he was waiting for someone. The man took a step out of the shadows and into the faint glow of the moon. He was tall and lean with wild blond hair that swayed in the gentle breeze, like summer wheat on a breezy day. He wore a black tank top that clung to his muscles, and yellow trousers with green braces that hung loosely from his defined hips.

   The corner of the man's mouth twitched up into a smirk as he heard footsteps approach him, echoing off the buildings lining the street he was standing in.

   "I know you're here, Enyaba," the man spoke with a thick British accent. A small old woman stepped out of the fog and bowed at the man as soon as she reached him. He looked down at the woman. "Have you found our next target?" He asked.

   "Even better, my lord. I found two that would be perfect for your plan. One of them is already a Stand user," the woman said with a slight cackle in her tone.

   "Two, you And what of the other one?" He raised an eyebrow as he leaned against the building and folded his arms over his chest.

   "The other one seems to be a friend of the Stand user, but she isn't one like him. However, I do believe that she has the potential to be a powerful Stand user."

   "And do you think you'll be able to successfully impale her with the arrow?" The man asked.

   "The only thing that stands in our way is her friend. He might fight us to protect the girl," the woman sighed.

   The man rolled his head back and gazed up at the moon above him before closing his eyes and letting out an irritated sigh as he thought about what Enyaba had said. After a few moments of silence, his golden eyes flickered open and glanced down at Enyaba as he pushed himself away from the building. "I will deal with the Stand user, and you just focus on getting that Stand Arrow of yours into the girl's heart," he ordered.

   "Yes, Lord DIO." Enyaba bowed once more, then, standing up straight, she stepped back into the fog and out of sight.

   DIO let out a low chuckle as he glanced up at the moon once more. "Your time is about to come to an end, Joestar."

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now