♥ Chapter 42 ♥

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"Come on out here, Hiroko. I want to see how you look in that outfit I chose out for you," DIO called out from the other room.

   I was in a large master bedroom with a four-poster double bed. I looked at myself in the full-body mirror hung on the wall and admired myself in my new outfit.

   I wore a black and red corset – it looked like the reverse of Scarlet Phantom's corset with more black than red. The corset was wrapped tightly around me which made my breasts look bigger than what they were. It left very little to the imagination.

   On my legs, I wore skin-tight leather leggings that hugged my calves, thighs, and hips tightly. Over the lower half of my leather leggings – just below the knee – were leather high-heel boots that added a few inches to my height.

   I glanced over at the dresser to where DIO had left me some jet-black eyeliner and black lipstick. I walked over to the dresser and picked up the eyeliner and lipstick and made my way back to the mirror on the wall where I applied the eyeliner. When I finished applying the eyeliner, my eyes looked like a cat's eyes, and the blackness of the eyeliner brought out the colour of my green eyes. I blinked a couple of times and turned back to the dresser to grab the black lipstick and apply it.

   With my lipstick on, I gave myself one final look in the mirror and left the bedroom.

   I made my way back to DIO's chamber and when I stepped through the door, the blond vampire turned to look at me. As soon as his piercing red eyes landed on me, he whistled.

   "Dark colours certainly look good on you." He smirked. "Better than that trashy outfit you had on when you got here."

  "Thank you, Lord DIO," I said and bowed my head. I looked back at him, and his gaze met mine. "Have our guests arrived?" I asked.

   "As a matter of fact, yes. I just had a run in with Polnareff on the stairs. I believe Joseph, Jotaro and Kakyoin are with him as we speak. It's likely they'll be on their way up here."

   "Would you like me to take care of them for you?"

   "Do you think you're ready to?" DIO cocked his head to the side slightly and gave me a smirk.

   "If wanting to make them suffer before killing them counts as ready, then I'm ready."

   "That's exactly what I thought you'd say." DIO's smirk grew wider, and he stepped closer to me. Once he stood in front of me, he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "They're all yours. Give them back the pain they put you through." He kissed me on the cheek and straightened himself up. I gave him a curt nod and he turned away from me. He strode across the room to the window at the far end of the room. With one more glance over his shoulder at me, DIO jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.

   Once DIO had gone, I walked over to his throne and ran my fingers along the top of it.

   I was thankful for DIO showing me the truth, otherwise I would have been living in a lie for the rest of my life. Though it was painful, I was thankful.

   I heard footsteps down the hall, and I knew it was time to face the two men that lied to my face. I was not going to let them live this down, and I would make sure their final moments were full of regret. I will make them regret lying to me.

   I slithered behind DIO's throne and waited.

   I heard the door to DIO's chambers swing open and Joseph growl, "Where is he?"

   I smirked and responded, "Lord DIO is not here."

   Gasps filled the room and Jotaro stammered, "That voice... It can't be!"

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