♥ Chapter 19 ♥

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We were in a little 4 by 4 going along a mountainside, and once again; I was sitting in Jotaro's lap. Nori had opted to seat in the front passenger seat, and Joseph sat next to us.

I stared into the back of Nori's head and wandered why he was so pissed off all of a sudden. Joseph was talking to Jotaro; however, his voice was drowned out by my thoughts.

The delinquent brushed his thumb over my knuckles to bring my attention back to him. I glanced over my shoulder to him, and he mouthed, "You okay?" to me. I nodded slowly and looked away as I let out a soft sigh.

"Hey, Polnareff. You okay driving, right now? The fog in this area is getting quite thick," Nori spoke to the Frenchman.

"These aren't the safest kind of conditions. It's one hell of a drop on the right side of the road, and there's no guard rail anywhere," Polnareff said.

"The fog looks even thicker up ahead." Joseph pointed ahead of us. I looked to where he was pointing and sure enough; he was right. At this rate, we will have to stop somewhere until the fog dies down. Joseph pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. "It's not even three 'o'clock yet, but we should head in. Let's find a place to stay in that town for the night." He pointed to a little town in the distance.

"You think they have nice hotels?" Polnareff asked.

"Nice hotel, huh?" Nori chuckled slightly. The fact he was acting normal with Polnareff and cold towards me was quite hurtful. Unless he's in a better mood now?

"Hey, Nori? Want to go and do some sightseeing once we've found a hotel?" I asked as I leaned forward.

"No thanks," he said bluntly. I sunk back against Jotaro, cowering away from the redhead's coldness.

"What's his problem?" Jotaro whispered in my ear.

"Beats me." I sighed.

"Maybe we could go do some sightseeing together instead?" He offered. I noticed Nori tense up slightly at Jotaro's offer. Was he jealous?

"Nah. Think I might have an early night tonight. I think these Stand battles are finally starting to take their toll on me."

After a few moments, I felt Jotaro tense up. "What's the matter, Jotaro?" I asked as I glanced over my shoulder. Jotaro quickly covered my eyes.

"It was nothing," he muttered before uncovering my eyes.

We finally pulled into the town Joseph had pointed out and all climbed out of the car.

"Hey, this is a nice little town, don't you think?" Joseph asked as he looked around. I scanned the area, but I could barely see past my nose due to the heavy fog.

The smell of something rotting filled the air which made my stomach turn and bile to rise to the back of my throat. Judging by the smell alone, this town wasn't as nice as Joseph said it was.

"Let's ask about a hotel at that restaurant over there." Polnareff pointed to a building that had a sign saying 'Restaurant' hanging above the door. "There's a weird quiet about this place. No matter where we've gone, every other place has been rowdy and congested," Polnareff commented as we walked down the street.

"It's probably because of the fog," Joseph suggested. I shivered slightly due to the eeriness of the town.

"Are you cold, Hiroko?" Jotaro asked.

I shook my head. "No. This place is just giving me the heeby jeebys. Something seems off about this place, but I don't know what..." I muttered.

We arrived at the restaurant and saw a man standing outside. "Listen up, guys. In Pakistan, and the rest of the Islamic world, this is how you greet people. First, you smile and say 'A-Salaam-Alaikum." Joseph smiled at the man in front of him. The man gave no response to the older man.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now