♥ Chapter 41 ♥

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Hiroko Hoshino

It had been a few days since I won poker against D'Arby, and he had given me the location of DIO's hideout. I left the café upon getting the information I needed and didn't announce my departure.

Ever since Scarlet Phantom had shown me that vision of me outside DIO's hideout, I made it my sole mission to get there. It was clear that my fate was to defeat DIO myself, without Jotaro and the others. At least I knew that they would be safe.

I had finally made it into the depths of Cairo, and I instantly recognized where I was. This part of Cairo was where Nori and I were when Enyaba had shot me with the arrow and DIO planted the Flesh Bud into Nori's head.

"Hiroko! You need to wait for the others this instant!" Scarlet Phantom growled as she materialized next to me. This was the only downside about leaving the others behind. I had my Stand chew my ear off all the way here.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "For the hundredth time, Scar. Enough!"

"I showed you that vision in the hope that you wouldn't do this!"

"If you didn't show me it, I probably wouldn't be here now!" I stopped walking and turned to face her with my arms folded over my chest.

"Yes, you would have!"

"How would I?"

"Ever since Kakyoin was put in hospital, it's been your goal, even if you didn't know it!"

"Urgh! You're such a pain in the ass!" I threw my arms in the air and started to walk away.

"They're going to be worried sick about you!" She called after me. I stopped walking again and remained silent. Scarlet Phantom returned to my side and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It needs to be done, Scar. You heard them. I'm the only one out of all of us that has a high chance of beating him. I don't want them to come into this fight with me, as much as they promised they would. Going into this alone means Nori won't meet his end like in that vision."

"But if you get killed by DIO, they'll have no choice but to fight. Who's to say the vision will happen after DIO wipes you out?"

"I'll make sure it doesn't happen—" I glanced up at her "—nothing will make me change my mind about this."

Jotaro Kujo

A few days earlier...

Now that the old man and Polnareff's souls were back where they belong, we were able to carry on with our search. I'm sure Hiroko managed to get the information about DIO's hideout from D'Arby – hopefully without beating him to a pulp first.

I turned to look at her, but she was no longer there.

"Hey. Have any of you seen Hiroko?" I asked as I glanced over at Avdol, Polnareff and the old man. Upon hearing my question, they started to look around. I looked back around and saw that D'Arby was nowhere to be seen either.

"Where did she go?" Avdol asked.

"Maybe she went to the bathroom?" Polnareff suggested.

"She would have let one of us know if that was the case." I walked over to the bar and called the bartender over. "Excuse me, did you see a girl leave? She was with us just now."

"Yeah, I saw her leave here about five minutes ago," the bartender said as he pointed to the exit of the café. I stiffened up as soon as he mentioned that Hiroko had left.

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