♥ Chapter 24 ♥

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I opened my eyes to find myself standing in a dimly lit room. The only source of light in the room was the flickering fire in a fireplace. On top of the fireplace, I was only just able to make out the outline of a clock. For some reason, all my attention was fixated on this clock.

I slowly stepped towards the fireplace, my gaze never leaving the clock. Once I was in front of the fireplace, I picked up the clock and held it up to the light of the fire to get a better look at it. The clock looked old and was silent. No ticking came from the clock, and the pendulum beneath the clock face wasn't swinging. I tapped the side of the pendulum and it moved. It only swung once and immediately stopped once it returned to its original position in the center.

I carefully placed the clock back on top of the fireplace and turned round. I squinted through the darkness to find anything else within the room that could tell me where I was.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in." An ice-cold voice echoed through the room and startled me. I glanced over at an open doorway that I wasn't sure was there before. A silhouette of a man stood in the doorway.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady as possible as I spoke.

"Oh, come now, Hiroko. You should know who I am." The man stepped forward until his face was revealed by the light of the fire. "After all, it is me you're after." The man smirked. The man in question was none other than DIO.

"DIO!" I growled as DIO's smirk grew wider as he slowly sauntered towards me. "Scarlet Phantom!" I cried out my Stand's name, but she did not appear.

"Don't bother trying to summon your Stand. We are in a dream, and Stands cannot be summoned in dreams." The blond folded his arms over his chest.

"Then I'll just wake myself up."

"Don't bother doing that either. This isn't the sort of dream you think it is. This is more like a different reality."

"What do you want, DIO?" I spat as I glared up at the vampire.

"It's simple really. Come join me, and your two pathetic boyfriends will live – even if one of them is a damned Joestar," he spat the name like venom on his tongue. The vampire sat down in an armchair that was slightly poking out of the shadows.

"I don't buy that bullshit for one second. Why would you let one of your greatest enemies live if I join you? Just because you say that you'll let them live, doesn't mean you won't get someone to do your dirty work for you. I mean, come on! How many Stand users have you sent after us when you could have just come out at night and done it yourself?" I pointed out as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"It seems that I have doubted your intelligence. Not only is your Stand strong, but its user is smart." DIO stood up from the chair and walked around me, as if he was inspecting me from every angle. "It would be such a shame if you didn't fight alongside me. With our powers combined, we would be unstoppable."

"I know exactly what you're trying to do, DIO. And trust me, I know your dirty tricks and I'm not going to fall for them."

"Oh? Is that so?" DIO stopped walking once he was in front of me and bent down to my eye level. His piercing gold eyes stared into mine. "Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. I've learned exactly what your Stand is capable of." His eyes left mine and looked behind me. I followed his gaze until my eyes landed on the clock that wasn't working.

'Did Scarlet Phantom have something to do with the clock not working?' I thought to myself.

"It is because of that; I cannot let you live. There's not long left, Hiroko. The end is near for you." DIO chuckled evilly into my ear.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now