♥ Chapter 16 ♥

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I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, making me slowly open my eyes and land on Nori curled up beside me. The sleeping redhead shuffled closer to me and nuzzled his face further into the crook of my neck. I smiled at how cute he looked as he slept.

Suddenly, I felt another arm wrap itself around my waist. I glanced over my shoulder to see Jotaro curled up against my back, his face nuzzled between my shoulder blades. I let out a soft sigh and listened to both teens breathing softly as they slept.

I was unable to fall back to sleep, so decided to slip out of Jotaro's and Nori's arms slowly and carefully and make my way to the bottom of the bed, carefully climbing out once I reached the bottom. Once I was out of bed, I crept over to the door that led out onto the balcony and slid the door open quietly, quickly ushering myself through and closing the door slightly behind me.

I walked over to the edge of the balcony that overlooked the city. Varanasi seemed so peaceful at night.

A crescent-shaped moon hung high in the sky, casting a dim light on the city below.

I took in a deep breath, taking in the crisp fresh air, and let out a sigh of content. I heard the balcony door behind me slide open, causing me to spin around to see Jotaro standing in the doorway, completely shirtless and only wearing his black pants.

"Oh, hey, Jotaro," I greeted as I turned back to face the city.

"No need to sound enthusiastic," he scoffed as he came to stand beside me. The sound of a lighter clicking drew my attention back to the delinquent to see him lighting a cigarette. "So, how come you're out here?" He asked as his pocketed his lighter and exhaled some smoke. Jotaro let the cigarette hang
loosely between his lips and he leaned over the balcony.

"I just needed some air, that's all." I averted my gaze from him and looked up at the stars.

After a few moments of silence, Jotaro spoke up once more. "It's a nice night," he commented.

I scoffed slightly and looked back at him. "Never took you as one for small talk."

Jotaro glanced over at me as he took another drag of his cigarette. "Never took you as someone to point out everything that goes on," he retorted with a hint of playfulness in his voice as he exhaled some smoke.

I rolled my eyes and said with a giggle. "Whatever, Ocean Man."

Jotaro raised an eyebrow. "Ocean Man? Is that the best you've got?"

"I could call you other things." I shrugged, then added, "But I'm nice like that." I turned my back to the balcony and leaned against the cool concrete.

Jotaro chuckled softly to himself. "I like you, Hiroko. You're not like those typical girls that try to hang from my arms and confess their undying love for me." Jotaro cringed at the thought.

"I could always pretend to do that if you miss it so much." I smirked over at the delinquent.

"Oh, please don't. I'm enjoying the break." Jotaro took one last drag of his cigarette and discarded it. "You coming back in?" He asked with an exhale.

"Not yet." I sighed softly.

"Is there something on your mind?"

"Not entirely." I shook my head. "I guess I'm just trying to process everything that has gone on over the last couple of days."

"It's been a lot for all of us, and what I don't like is that this is only the beginning." The delinquent let out a sigh as he turned his back to the balcony, standing close enough to me so his arm gently brushed against mine. "If you ever need to talk about anything, you're more than welcome to come to me to
vent. If not, there's always the old man, Polnareff or Kakyoin that you can go to instead."

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now