♥ Chapter 18 ♥

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A few hours later, we made it over the Indo-Pakistani border and were in a small town next to an airport, so we could send Anne back on a plane to Hong Kong after explaining the dangers of our journey to her.

   Jotaro and I had gone to a tailor so the delinquent could get himself a new jacket since his own one was destroyed in the fire caused by Wheel of Fortune. Whilst we waited for his jacket to get made, we both stood outside the tailor's shop.

   It was warm outside, so I took my leather jacket off and draped it over my arm and leaned against the wall. Jotaro stood beside me and lit a cigarette, the click of his lighter temporarily filled the silence between us.

   "I have to say; I'm quite surprised," Jotaro spoke up.

   I glanced over at the delinquent and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked.

   "The way you acted when you thought that Stand user had killed me. You were about to kill him to avenge me. It really surprised me. After all this time, here was me thinking you didn't like me all that much and was being civil with me for the sake of this trip," he commented as he took a puff of his cigarette.

   "If that was me being civil, I'd love to know what I'm like when I'm genuinely being nice," I scoffed as I looked away from him and into the street. "But I do like you, you're a pretty cool guy," I added.

   "Is that all?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

   I looked back up at him and asked, "What do you mean by that?" I turned to fully face him with my shoulder leaning against the wall.

   "Not to sound stereotypical or anything, but a lot of the girls I've met always kept going on about how handsome I am as well as being cool. Am I just cool to you?"

   "I mean... Uh..." I looked away as I tried to think of something to say, "I mean, they're not wrong..."

   "Sorry, what was that?" Jotaro leaned in closer to me and my cheeks started to heat up.

   Suddenly, Scarlet Phantom materialized beside me. "Oh, for goodness sake! She said you're handsome! Now take her out on a date already! Jeez, do you know how painful it is waiting for her say something?" Scarlet Phantom rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.

   "What?" Jotaro looked at me with wide eyes, his cheeks going pink.

   "Scar!" I whipped round to face my Stand. "What the hell are you doing?! I didn't want to say anything yet!" I growled at her.

   "Well, you were being too slow for my liking, so you're welcome." She smirked and bowed as if she had done a performance before de-materializing.

   "That stupid Stand! I swear, one of these days..." I growled in annoyance.

   "Is what she said true, Hiroko?" Jotaro asked sternly.

   I flinched at his stern tone. "W-well... It's not fake. That's for certain." I flinched away again, expecting Jotaro to suddenly lash out at me, but no attack came my way. I looked back up at Jotaro who was still looking at me with wide eyes. I sighed softly and straightened myself up. "Look, I understand if you don't feel the same way. I know you're not that-"

   Jotaro cut me off when he suddenly leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened and I stared at the delinquent's closed eyes as he kissed me. Jotaro slowly pulled back and looked down at me from under the brim of his hat. "Type of guy," I finished.

   "Looks like we've surprised each other today," he joked.

   "It seems so..."

Noriaki Kakyoin

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now