♥ Chapter 10 ♥

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"Hiroko... Hiroko, it's time to wake up. We've arrived in Singapore." A soft voice whispered in my ear, rousing me from my slumber. I slowly opened my eyes to see Nori leaning over me. "Good morning, sleepy head." He smiled down at me.

"Morning," I mumbled drowsily, slowly sitting up. Nori moved back and watched me as I raised my arms above my head in a stretch, letting out a yawn. I blinked a couple of times before looking around to see tall buildings lining Singapore's sea front.

The sun beamed down on us and there were very few clouds in the sky. Looks like today is going to be a lovely day. It was a shame that we wouldn't be here long. I would have loved to do some sightseeing.

Our boat reached the docks, and we all climbed off the boat. I let out a sigh of relief as soon as my feet were on solid ground.

"Finally! We've made it to dry land." Polnareff sighed as we left the docks.

"We'll clean up and get some rest at a hotel tonight. Once we've recharged, we'll figure out our route to Egypt," Joseph explained. The old man stopped and looked around the area we were in for any signs of a place we could stay at for the night. His eyes settled on a tall, posh looking building. "Alright, let's stay at that one," he said as he pointed at the building. We all nodded in agreement and set off in the direction of the hotel.

On the way to the hotel, we stopped by a fountain for a short rest. Polnareff placed his bag down on the ground next to his feet and rolled his shoulders round.

The sound of a whistle being blown from behind us made us look around to see a policeman running towards us. "Polnareff, what did you do wrong?" I smirked at the Frenchman.

"Shut it! I didn't do anything wrong!" He defended. I giggled at his reaction.

"Hey! You with the flat top!" The policeman pointed at Polnareff. I bit my lip, resisting the urge to laugh at the fact that I had just jinxed him.

"Huh?" Polnareff asked confused. "Me?"

"Yeah, you. You threw this trash, didn't you?" The policeman pointed down at the bag by the Frenchman's feet. "That's a five hundred Singapore dollar fine!

"No way! Five hundred?!" Polnareff exclaimed with wide eyes.

"The law here prohibits littering and fines all violators for doing so, and that means you!" The policeman explained.

"Five hundred Singapore dollars..." Nori thought out loud.

"I believe that's about forty thousand yen," I calculated before turning to face Polnareff, smirking at him again. "Better pay up, Polnareff."

"What? All I see on the ground is my own luggage. I'm not paying some fine over placing my luggage on the ground!" He growled at me before turning to face the policeman. "Would you be so kind to tell me what trash you are referring to, officer?" The Frenchman prodded the policeman's chest then placed a
firm hand on his shoulder. "If you're wrong, I'm obeying the law, right? So, where is it?" He growled as his grip tightened onto the man's shoulder.

"You... You mean that bag is your luggage?" He stuttered, trying to act innocent after accusing Polnareff of littering only moments ago.

"Yeah, you've got it," the white-haired man snarled.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry," the policeman apologized. We all laughed in response, making light of the situation. Anne laughed the loudest, causing us all to stop laughing and look at her with raised eyebrows. She stopped laughing as soon as she realized that everyone else was silent and turned her back to us, taking a few steps away.

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