♥ Epilogue ♥

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By the time our plane landed in Japan, it was nighttime. A car from the Speedwagon Foundation met up with us outside the airport and took us all back to Jotaro's house.

As soon as the car pulled up outside Jotaro's house, workers from the Speedwagon Foundation came to the car to retrieve our luggage whilst Nori and Jotaro helped me out of the car and into my wheelchair.

We all made our way to the front door, which was immediately thrown open to reveal Holly, back to her happy-go-lucky self with a grin that spread from ear to ear.

"Papa! You're back!" She cried cheerfully and ran into Joseph's arms. Holly looked over her father's shoulder and her smile grew even wider as soon as she saw Jotaro.

"Jotaro!" Holly pulled herself out of Joseph's arms and made her way over to her son. I had half expected her to run over to him and pull him into a tight hug, but she remained calm and stood in front of him. She looked up at her son as if she was silently asking for permission to hug him.

Without a word from the delinquent, he stepped forward and pulled his mother into a tight embrace.

I blinked at Jotaro's actions. I heard that he was usually sour towards his mother, but this time; he wasn't.

"How're you feeling?" He asked softly.

Holly must have been taken aback by her son's actions because she was completely speechless. Jotaro pulled away from the hug and looked down at her.

"I... I feel so much better now," she finally said.

I smiled at the small family reunion and felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up to see Nori looking down at me.

"I think it's time we head home ourselves," he said.

I nodded in agreement as the redhead start to turn my wheelchair around.

Before we could leave, Jotaro called out to us. "Hey, where do you two think you're going?"

Nori turned my wheelchair back round for me to see Jotaro standing in the doorway of his house with Holly and Joseph behind him.

"I don't think I've introduced you two properly to my mom," the delinquent said.

I glanced up at Nori with a raised eyebrow and was met with the same reaction from him. I looked back over at Jotaro and said, "Mrs. Kujo knows us already though. We were here before we set off for Egypt, remember?"

"But you haven't been introduced as my boyfriend and girlfriend yet." Jotaro smirked, and I felt my face grow hot.

Holly's eyes widened and she gasped. "Jotaro? Is that really true?"

Jotaro stepped out of the doorway and made his way over to us. He went to stand behind my wheelchair and placed a hand on my shoulder whilst his other arm slithered around Nori's waist. "As true as it can be," he said.

Holly's smile grew wider. "That is so sweet! You two should stay for dinner. I was actually thinking of making Jotaro's favorite."

"That's very kind of you, Mrs. Kujo, but Nori and I should really be—"

I felt a gentle kiss on my cheek which made me choke on my words.

"Stay," Jotaro whispered in my ear and added, "You two can go home tomorrow. Let's just have one more night together before we have to go back to normality."

I glanced at Jotaro and looked into his deep blue eyes. I let out a soft sigh of defeat and nodded. "Okay." I looked up at Nori and asked, "Is that okay with you, Nori?"

"Of course," he replied with a smile.

Jotaro let go of Nori's waist and scooped his arm under my legs. He lifted me out of my wheelchair effortlessly and started to make his way back to the front door. "Hey, old man? Do you mind folding Hiroko's wheelchair up for me?" He asked his grandfather as he carried me inside with Nori following closely behind.

"Why do I have to do it? Kakyoin could have done it," the old man whined.

"Kakyoin is coming with us. We'll be in the garden," the delinquent called over his shoulder.

Jotaro carried me all the way through the house and into the garden at the back of Jotaro's house. Once in the garden, Jotaro gently set me down in the middle of a garden bench that was next to a small pond filled with koi fish and sat down next to me as Nori sat down on the other side of the bench.

"We've finally made it." Jotaro sighed as he draped an arm around the back of the bench behind me.

"Indeed." Nori nodded and placed a hand on my knee.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"Enjoy the moment of peace, I guess," Jotaro said and looked up at the night sky. "It's a clear night tonight," he commented.

Nori and I looked up at the sky too. Jotaro was right. The sky was that clear, we could see all of the stars that dotted the night sky.

"So beautiful." I sighed in content.

"Yes, you are," Jotaro and Nori said in unison.

I looked between them with a frown. "We are not going through this again." I huffed then added, "I've already had that from Nori, I don't need it from you too, Jotaro."

"But it's true. Why would we lie about that?" Nori raised an eyebrow as he looked down at me.

I rolled my eyes and said no more. Instead, I looked back up to the starry sky once more.

I thought about it for a moment and realized something. The only time we got to see the stars fully was over the course of our journey whenever we had to camp instead of being in a cozy hotel bed, and it just so happened that I spent special moments with Jotaro and Nori under those very stars, just like now.

Maybe it was the stars that brought the three of us together.

The stars that guide us.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now