♥ Chapter 34 ♥

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After all our supplies for the rest of our journey were collected from the helicopter, the Speedwagon employees left us to carry on with our journey.

Before they left us, they gave us an update on Holly's condition. Apparently, she's rapidly losing strength, and nothing seems to be helping her condition. She has gotten to the point where the doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation have given her two weeks left to live.

The news left us shellshocked.

We had been travelling for 30 days with the idea that we would get back to her before the 50 days were up. But those 50 days were now reduced to 44.

Aside from Holly's condition, the two pilots were bearers of more bad news. Two days ago, nine unidentified men and women gathered in a building which was believed to be DIO's hideout. Unfortunately, we were unable to get any more information about the nine people that went in there because the spy who reported this was killed – most likely by DIO or one of his cronies.

As far as we were aware at the time, the only Stand users remaining were Hol Horse and DIO – seeing as only the Emperor and the World were the only to tarot cards left to be represented by a Stand. We knew Hol Horse's Stand represented the Emperor card, so that left us to assume that DIO's Stand represented the World card. But now, we were not so sure.

Once the Speedwagon Foundation helicopter had lifted off, we all jumped back into the buggy and raced across the desert.

Nori, Avdol and Polnareff were squashed into the trunk of the buggy after Iggy wouldn't let any of them sit on the same seat as him. The only person he allowed to accompany him on the seat was me.

"Mr. Joestar, why're you letting him get away with this? It's not fair that he's only allowed Hiroko to sit in the back seat with him whilst we're in the trunk. And in case you didn't know; it's not exactly spacious back here! I'm going to need a chiropractor!" Polnareff whined.

"Quit your whining. You're just jealous that you don't have a loyal canine companion like I do." I smirked over my shoulder at the Frenchman before I lurched forward in my seat due to Joseph slamming on the brakes. "What the hell is going on?" I growled as I whipped my head round to look at Joseph.

"Look over there," Joseph said as he pointed to a crashed helicopter not too far away from us.

"Is that the guys from the Speedwagon Foundation that had left us only a few moments ago?" I exclaimed with wide eyes.

"There's no sign of explosion or gunfire," Avdol pointed out.

"It seems like it just fell out of the sky!" Nori gasped.

"Be careful. I bet my life that it was attacked by an enemy Stand user," Joseph warned.

"Over there! It's the pilot!" Jotaro pointed to a man hanging out of the debris.

"He's already dead!" I gasped as I brought my hands up to my mouth and looked on in horror.

We all climbed out of the buggy and cautiously made our way over to the helicopter. Jotaro approached the pilot and knelt beside him to get a closer look.

"What is it, Jotaro?" I asked the delinquent as he pulled the pilot up slightly, causing something to drip out of the pilot's mouth.

"It's water," he grumbled as he laid the pilot down and tilted his head to the side to allow the water to flow out of his mouth.

Amongst the water, a small fish fell out of the pilot's mouth. "There's no way all this water is from his mouth," Jotaro commented as he stood back up. Joseph joined his grandson's side and looked down at the pilot. "It must be flowing from somewhere else. It must be from his lungs. And the fish would mean... He drowned in the desert. Things are just getting weirder and weirder," Jotaro said.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now