♥ Chapter 38 ♥

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We spent our first day and night in Luxor as per Joseph's plan, so we could rest up before we went on the hunt for DIO.

The next morning, Jotaro, Polnareff and I were waiting outside the hotel for Joseph and Avdol to come down, so we could get breakfast.

"Hey! Hurry it up in there!" Polnareff shouted. "I thought old people were supposed to get up early!" He shook his fist, and I rolled my eyes at his impatience.

Finally, Avdol walked through the doors and came straight over to us. "Mr. Joestar said he'll be down in just a minute," he said to us.

"Thank God! I'm starving!" Polnareff groaned.

"Will you quit your whining for five minutes?" I glared at the Frenchman as I folded my arms over my chest.

"I am not whining!" Polnareff snapped his head round to face me. I scoffed in response and looked away from him, ending our squabble there. I wasn't really in the mood for messing around. It was too early, and I had a lot on my mind.

A few moments passed, and there was still no sign of Joseph.

"I wonder if he fell back to sleep," I thought out loud.

"I'll go get him. I won't be long," Avdol said as he turned on his heel and went back into the hotel.

Polnareff let out a sigh as he sat on the curb and pulled out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket. He pulled out three cigarettes from the packet and handed one to Jotaro. "You want one, Hiroko?" He offered.

I glanced down at him and shook my head. "No thanks, I don't smoke. I thought you would have noticed that after all this time."

"Well, I had to get your mind off something. You're staring into space as if you're deep in thought," he pointed out. He wasn't wrong. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was an enemy Stand user close by. Whether that was the case, or I was just being paranoid, I wasn't sure.

"I'm fine. I just wanna get a move on," I said as I scuffed the toe of my boot into the dust on the path, kicking up a small cloud of dust.

"Someone's a little bit eager for breakfast," Polnareff joked.

"Can you just get your mind off of food for once?" I snapped. My expression immediately softened as soon as Polnareff looked at me with wide eyes. "Sorry," I muttered and added, "I guess I'm just a little riled up about everything. Being so close to reaching Cairo has really put me on edge."

Polnareff looked up at me with a sympathetic look. "It's okay. I completely understand. Hey, why don't you and Jotaro go on ahead, and we'll catch up with you guys," he suggested.

"But what if there's an enemy nearby?" I protested.

"I have Iggy here, so don't worry," he tried to reassure me.

I let my shoulders relax a little and let out a sigh. "Okay, fine." I turned on my heel and started to walk away. "Come on, Jotaro. Let's go," I called over my shoulder to the delinquent.

Jotaro followed me and as we turned the corner of the street, he came to walk beside me and took my hand in his. He stopped walking, causing me to stop and look over my shoulder at him.

"What's the matter, Jotaro?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," he muttered.

I blinked a couple of times and turned to face him. "I've already told you. I'm just feeling a little on edge, that's all."

"We're all on edge, Hiroko. Now, tell me what's really wrong?"

I looked down at our feet and looked back up at him. "I'm just scared," I admitted.

The Stars That Guide Us ~ A Jotakak x OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now