♥ Chapter 3 ♥

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"I don't think she is strong enough to fight," said a tall, blond-haired man with a thick British accent at the end of a bed, looking over a girl that was unconscious.

"And what makes you think that, Master?" Noriaki Kakyoin questioned the blond man.

"I was told that she would have potential, but it's clear that she doesn't. There's not even any promise in that Stand of hers. It looks like it wouldn't even hurt a fly," the blond spat as he combed his fingers through his hair, looking rather disappointed.

"Master DIO, with all due respect. Hiroko has only just acquired her Stand and needs to learn how to use it. I'm certain with enough training, she will be the Stand user you envisioned her to be. In the meantime, I will take her back to Japan with me. You may not see potential in her, but trust me, I do. She will make an excellent puppet for my Hierophant Green. Whilst under my Stand's control, she will be able to kill Jotaro Kujo without me being in the same room as him," the red-haired teen explained to DIO.

DIO thought long and hard about Kakyoin's proposal before letting out a sigh. "If you believe she is able to, then take her along with you. Your long-lasting friendship will make her listen to you without me having to put a flesh bud into her."

Kakyoin nodded. "I'm certain that she will."

"Take her back to Japan, don't tell her what is going on. Just make sure you do all the talking," DIO said sternly.

"Yes, My Lord." Kakyoin bowed and proceeded to scoop Hiroko in his arms, making sure not to wake her.

"Do not fail me, Kakyoin."

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. As soon as my vision cleared, I scanned the room that I was in. Various video game consoles line the shelves mounted on the wall on the far side of the room. Under the shelf was a small glass cabinet filled with video games that were well kept and would probably sell for a lot in the future due to the perfect condition they were in.

Judging by the contents in this room, I could tell I was in Nori's room.

My gaze shifted over to a desk in the corner of the room. Sat in an office chair in front of the desk and reading a book was Nori.

"Nori?" I said his name softly as I slowly sat up in his bed.

Nori looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Ah, you're awake. Did you sleep well?" Nori stood up from his chair and walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge of the bed beside me.

"Yeah, I think so." I yawned as I stretched my arms above my head.

"That's good." He nodded curtly then added, "Anyway, you better get dressed. We're supposed to be enrolling at our new school today." Nori stood up and made his way to the wardrobe facing the bed and opened it. "We got back home before my parents. They wanted to spend a little bit longer in Egypt, so you and I have the place to ourselves for the next week," he explained as he rummaged through the wardrobe before pulling out a dark green schoolgirl uniform and a dark green gakuran paired with dark green trousers and a crisp white shirt. "The school we're enrolling at are letting us wear our old uniforms until we get our new ones," he said.

"Why are enrolling at a new school?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and added, "This is the first I've heard of going to a new school."

"Didn't you know? We decided to change to a school that was closer to us. This school is just a few blocks away, so it will be easier for us get there."

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